Colonial-Era Spanish Material Culture

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See also: Colonial-Era Spanish Economy / Material Culture Categories / Exchange Lists: Spain-America

This page is just the beginning of what I intend to become a broader sampling of Spanish colonial-era portable material culture as based principally upon documentary sources. Given the breadth and complexity of the topic, the information and links below will always only represent only a primer on the subject, but as I accumulate sources and information, I intend to share them below. A few starting sources are provided, but more will follow soon.

Definitions / Inventory Databases / Historical Works / Price Lists / Customs DutiesCrafts and Occupations

Colonial-Era Material Culture Definitions

On a separate page I have compiled a set of colonial-era definitions from 18th-century Spanish language dictionaries that provide descriptions of a wide range of items of material culture that appear in 16th-century and later documents. While some of these definitions of course post-date the primary periods in which they were used early during the colonial era, they are nonetheless useful for understanding terminology that was used to distinguish one item from another in the era when the first comprehensive and systematic dictionaries of the Spanish language began to appear.

An excellent online project that has detailed and comprehensive definitions in Spanish for the early colonial era is Diccionario de la Ciencia y de la Técnica del Renacimiento (DICTER) (Dictionary of Science and Technology of the Renaissance), which includes extensive source citations from primary documentary sources.

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Inventory Databases

Searchable databases containing inventories of online transcriptions of notarial records are extremely useful sources of direct data about items of material culture during the colonial era as well as their prices, descriptions, and terminology. Below are several important databases of inventories derived from probate records, dowries, receipts, contracts, and many other types of notarial documents.

Corpus Léxico de Inventarios: The Universidad de León and the Real Academia Española have cooperatively created an extremely useful searchable database of material culture inventories taken from a variety of colonial-era (Siglo de Oro) notarial documents such as probate records, dowry lists, etc., and this database can be searched using specific material culture terms to gain access to these lists. Some inventories contain price information, while all provide detailed descriptions of the variety of material culture used in Spain and its overseas empire in the colonial era. Most of the entries are from Spain during the 17th century (some 16th and 18th century), but there are some from various locations in the New World as well. Note: The default search is by "Texto completo." Searching with the box "Consulta lematizada" checked captures different potential spellings of terms entered, and the reverse is true if the box is left unchecked.

Archivo General de Notarias de la Ciudad de Mexico (AGNCM); index and detailed transcriptions of the notarial archive for Mexico City by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, with separate search engines for 16th-century and 17th-century collections, including many contracts and inventories of goods. Note: search by checking the box "Resumen" and then entering search terms in Spanish.

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Historical Works

There are a number of published and unpublished manuscript works that provide important contemporary information regarding the material culture of the colonial era, including several encyclopedic works with extensive illustrations.

Diccionario demostrativo de la arquitectura naval antigua y moderna, o Álbum de Construcción Naval (1719-1756): This hand-drawn album contains detailed illustrations and captions for a wide range of material culture, including not just naval architecture but everything normally used aboard 18th-century Spanish ships, authored by Juan José Navarro de Viana y Búfalo (1687-1772), Marqués de la Victoria. This online version hosted by the Museo Naval in Madrid includes only low-resolution imagery of each page, and does not do justice to the importance of this work for understanding colonial-era material culture.

Recueil de Planches, sur les Sciences, les Arts Liberaux, et les Arts Mechaniques, avec leur Explication (1762-1772): These volumes contain the illustrations for an extensive encyclopedi, edited by Denis Diderot (1713-1784), entitled Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers. High resolution digital scans of the individual volumes held by the Bibliothéque Nacionale de France in Paris are linked below as follows.

V. 1 (1762) / V. 2 (1763) / V. 3 (1763) / V. 4 (1765) / V. 5 (1767) / V. 6 (1768) / V. 7 (1769) / V. 8 (1771) / V. 9 (1771) / V. 10 (1772)) / V. 11 (1772) / Supplement (1777)

There is also an ongoing searchable translation project hosted by the University of Michigan is located here, including an index of plate titles sequenced in English and French, including digital scans of the plates themselves).

Another type of published work is to be found in mercantile dictionaries and guides, sometimes multilingual, including those shortly post-dating the colonial era specifically, such as the examples below:

[Kauffman, C.H.]
1803 The Dictionary of Merchandise, and Nomenclature in All Languages: For the Use of Counting Houses, containing the History, Places of Growth, Culture, Use, and Marks of Excellency, of Such Natural Productions, As form Articles of Commerce; with their Names in All European Languages. T. Boosey, London.

Kauffman, C.H.
1805 The Dictionary of Merchandise, and Nomenclature in All Languages: For the Use of Counting Houses, containing the History, Places of Growth, Culture, Use, and Marks of Excellency, of Such Natural Productions, As form Articles of Commerce; with their Names in All European Languages. T. Boosey, London.

Goodrich, Samuel Griswold
1844 Peter Parley's Illustrations of Commerce. W. Robinson, New York.

Oriol Ronquillo, José
1851-1857 Diccionario de Material Mercantil, Industrial y Agrícola, que contiene la indicacion, la descripcion y los usos de todas las mercancías. Imprenta de D. Agustin Gaspar, Barcelona.

V. 1 (1851) / V. 2 (1853) / V. 3 (1855) / V. 4 (1857)

Veitelle, I. de
1873 Mercantile Dictionary: A Complete Vocabulary of the Technicalities of Commercial Correspondence, Names of Articles of Trade, and Marine Terms, in English, Spanish, and French; with Geographical Names, Business Letters, and Tables of the Abbreviations in Common Use in the Three Languages. Appleton and Company, New York.

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Price Lists

One excellent printed source of information about a range of typical items in routine circulation and use during the colonial era in Spain is to be found in price regulations, including the following examples:

Ríos Angulo, Lazaro de
1627 Tassa general de los precios a que se han de vender las mercaderias, y de las hechuras, salarios, jornales, y demas cosas contenidas en esta relacion, que se ha mandado hazer por los Señores del Consejo, para que se observe y guarde en esta Corte, y en todos los lugares de su distrito y jurisdicion. Madrid.

1628 Tassa de los precios a que se han de vender las mercaderias y otras cosas de que no se hizo mencion en la primera Tassa: y Reformacion que aora se ha hecho por los señores del Consejo, en algunos precios que se pusieron en ella. Juan Gonçalez, Madrid.

Paredes, Julián de
1681 Arancel de Los Precios a que su magestad (que Dios guarde) con acuerdo del Consejo, manda se vendan en esta Corte las mercaderias, y generos que en él irán declarados. Madrid.

There are also more localized price lists that can be useful at least for comparing prices between goods on a regional level, such as those in the example from Granada below (one of which is a detailed price list for ceramics), and another from Seville (also including ceramics).

1552 [1672] Ordenanzas que los muy ilustres y muy magnificos señores Granada mandaron guardar, para la buena governcion de su Republica, impressas año 1552, que se han buelto a imprimir por mandado de los señores presidente y oydores de la Real Chancilleria desta ciudad de Granada, año de 1670, añadiendo otras que no estavan impressas. Imprenta Real de Francisco de Ochoa, Granada.

Cárdenas, Lorenzo de [Conde de la Puebla, Marqués de Vacares]
1627 Tassa general de los precios á que se han de vender las mercaderías en esta ciudad de Sevilla y su tierra: y de las hechuras, salarios, y jornales y demás cosas contenidas en esta Relación, que se ha hecho por el Señor Conde de la Puebla, Marques de Vacares, Asistente desta dicha Ciudad, etc. [October 12, 1627] Manuscript 188/84, Biblioteca Universitaria de Sevilla, Seville, Spain.

The categories of goods detailed in these general price lists include those listed on a separate page.

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Customs Duties

While printed lists of customs duties are not equivalent to price lists, they nonetheless provide an excellent sampling of the range of items in circulation between European nations during specific periods. A sampling of digitized sources is provided below, including not just Spanish lists but also the abundant lists produced for British commerce.


Arancel y Regimiento por donde se han de cobrar los derechos de las Mercaderías, mantemimientos, y otras cosas, que salieren de estos Reynos de Castilla para el de Portugal, y vinieren de aquellos Reynos a estos, desde el dia que se publicaren las Paces (Juan de la Ripia, Madrid, 1668, reprinted 1769)

Compendio General de las Contribuciones, y Gastos, que ocasionan todos los Efectos, Frutos, Caudales, y demás, que se trafican entre los Reynos de Castilla, y America, by Joseph García de Prado (Manuel Espinosa de los Monteros, Cádiz, 1762).

- List of goods commonly sent to America (see my transcription here)

- List of goods commonly sent from America (see my transcription here)

Reglamento y Aranceles Reales para el Comercio Libre de España a Indias, de 12 de Octubre de 1778 (Imprenta de Pedro Marin, Madrid, 1778). (see my transcription here)

Almanak Mercantil ó Guia de Comerciantes, by Diego María Gallard (Ramón Ruíz, Madrid).

1797 / 1799 / 1800 / 1802 / 1803 / 1808

Arancel de derechos que pagan los géneros, frutos y efectos extrangeros á su entrada en el reyno, by Juan García Barzanallana (Imprenta de Don Francisco de la Parte, Madrid, 1816).

Reglamento, Tarifa, y Arancel aprobados y mandados observar por el excelentisimo señor Virey in los puertos de este Nuevo Reyno de Granada para el comercio extranjero colonial (Cartajena de Indias, 1817).

Sistema General de las Aduanas de la Monarquia Española en Ambos Emisferios (1820)

Arancel General Interino e Instrucción para Gobierno de las Aduanas Marítimas en el Comercio Libre del Imperio Mexicano (Imprenta de don Celestino de la Torre, Mexico, 1821).

Guía mercantil de España (1829)

Tarifa para la exacción de derechos de puertas en géneros, frutos y efectos del Reino y de America (1830)


Vectigalium Systema: Or, A Complete View of that Part of the Revenue of Great Britain, Commonly Called Customs, by William Edgar (John Basket, London)

1714 / 1718

A Complete View of the British Customs

1725 (1st edition) / 1731 (2nd edition) / 1738 (3rd edition / 1745 (4th edition) / 1755 (5th edition)

A Survey of the British Customs (1770)

Consolidation of the Customs and other duties (1787)

Coleccion alfabética de los aranceles de la Gran Bretaña, by Juan Bautista de Virio (Spanish language abstract)

1792, v.1 / 1792, v. 3 / 1792, v. 4

New and Complete Tables of the Net Duties Payable, and Drawbacks Allowed

1796 / 1803

A Digest of the Duties of Customs (1811)

The Duties of Customs and Escise on Goods, Wares, and Merchandise Imported

1818 / 1819

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Published overviews of international trade can provide important information about material culture of the colonial era, particularly regarding the origins and distribution of raw materials and finished goods.


Curia Filipica: donde breue y compendioso se trata de los iuizos, mayormente forenses, eclesiasticos y seculares, con lo sobre ellos hasta aora dispuesto por derecho, resuelto por doctores antiguos y modernos, y practicable. Util para los professores de entrambos derechos, y fueros, juezes, abogados, escrivanos, procuradores, litigantes, y otras personas, by Juan de Hevia Bolaños (Madrid, Alonso Martín, 1627)

Segunda parte de la Curia Filipica: donde se trata breve y compendiosamente de la mercancia y contratacion de tierra, y mar, vtil y provechoso para mercaderes, negociadores, nauegantes, y sus consulados, ministros de los juyzios, professores de derechos, y otras personas, by Juan de Hevia Bolaños (Valladolid, Juan Lasso de las Peñas, 1629)

Primera y segunda parte de la Curia Filipica, by Juan de Hevia Bolaños (Madrid, Carlos Sánchez, 1644)

Primera y segunda parte de la Curia Filipica, by Juan de Hevia Bolaños (Madrid, Melchor Sánchez, 1652)

Memorias Políticas Y Económicas Sobre Los Frutos, Comercio, Fabricas Y Minas De España: Con Inclusion De Los Reales Decretos, Órdenes, Cédulas, Aranceles y Ordenanzas expedidas para su gobierno y Fomento, by Eugenio Larruga (Madrid)

V. 1 (1787) / V. 2 (1788) / V. 3 (1788) / V. 4 (1789) / V. 5 (1789) / V. 6 (1789) / V. 7 (1790) / V. 8 (1790) / V. 9 (1790) / V. 10 (1791) / V. 11 (1791) / V. 12 (1791) / V. 13 (1791) / V. 14 (1791) / V. 15 (1792) / V. 16 (1792) / V. 17 (1792) / V. 18 (1792) / V. 19 (1792) / V. 20 (1792) [and many more volumes yet to be linked here]


An Account of the Trade between Great-Britain, France, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Africa, Newfoundland, &c. With the importations and exportations of all commodities, particularly of the woollen manufactures, by Charles Davenant (A. Bell, London, 1715)

V. 1/ V. 2

State of the Trade of Great Britain in Its Imports and Exports Progressively from the Year 1697: Also, of the Trade to Each Particular Country, During the Above Period, Distinguishing Each Year, by Charles Whitworth (G. Robinson, London, 1776) [facsimile reprint, 1969]

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Crafts and Occupations

One way to learn about material culture is through the crafts and occupations that employed specific tools and other material culture. The links below provide access to an assortment digitized colonial-era books that detail such crafts and occupations either individually or collectively. Many of the volumes were reprinted and expanded many times, as seen in the links by year. This list is only a beginning and will expand as time permits.


General Arts & Sciences

Plaza universal de todas ciencias, y artes, parte traduzida de Toscano, y parte compuesta por el doctor Christóval Suárez de Figueroa

1615 / 1629 / 1733

Apéndice a la Educacion Popular, by Pedro Rodríguez, Conde de Campomanes (1775-1777)

Pt. 1 (1775)* / Pt. 2 (1775) / Pt. 3 (1776) / Pt. 4 (1777)

*Note: The original c1667 manuscript by Miguel Álvarez Osorio y Redín transcribed in Pt. 1 can be found here.

Diccionario General de Arquitectura é Ingeniería, by Pelayo Clairac y Saenz (1877-1891)

Vol. I: A-Ca (1877) / Vol. II: Ce-E (1879) / Vol. III: F-H (1884) / Vol. IV: I-LL (1888) / Vol. V: M-P (1891)

Secretos raros de artes y oficios: obra útil a toda clase de personas (1805-1807)

I (1805) / II (1806) /III (1806) / IV (1806) / V (1806) / VI (1807) / VII (1807) / VIII (1807) / IX (1807) / X (1807) / XI (1807) / XII (1807)


Libro de agricultura que es de labrança y criança, compilado por Gabriel Alonso de Herrera

1520 / 1524 / 1539 / 1546 / 1551 / 1563 / 1584 / 1605 / 1620 / 1645 / 1777 / 1790 / 1818 (Vol. 1) / 1818 (Vol 2) / 1819 (Vol. 3) / 1819 (Vol. 4)

Libro de los secretos de agricultura, casa de campo y pastoril, by Miguel Agustín

1626 / 1686 / 1703 / 1722 / 1724 / 1749 / 1770 / 1781

Agricultura general y gobierno de la casa de campo, by José Antonio Valcárcel

Vol. 1 (1765) / Vol. 2 (1765) / Vol. 3 (1767) / Vol. 4 (1770) / Vol. 5 (1770) / Vol. 6 (1785) / Vol. 7 (1786) / Vol. 8 (1791) / Vol. 9 (1793) / Vol. 10 (1795)

Elementos de agricultura, by Diego de Carballo y Sampayo (1795)

Curso de agricultura práctica, by Agustín de Quinto

Vol. 1 (1818) / Vol. 2 (1818)


Elementos de toda la architectura civil, by Christian Rieger (1763)


Breve Compendio de la Carpinteria de lo Blanco, by Diego López de Arenas

1633 / 1727


Diccionario Historico de los Artes de la Pesca Nacional, by Antonio Sañez Reguart (1791-1795) [all five volumes at this link via the Biblioteca Nacional de España; Google Books scans below]

Vol. 1: A-B (1791) / Vol. 2: C-D (1791) / Vol. 3: E-H (1792) / Vol. 4: J-Q (1793) / Vol. 5: R-Z (1795)

La Aviceptológia ó Manual Completo de Caza y Pesca, by José María Tenorio (1843) [third section on fishing; also includes hunting and capture and raising of birds]

Manual del Pescador: Tratado Completo de Pesca con Anzuelo y con Redes, by Valverde (1879)

Manual de ictiología marina concretado á las especies alimenticias conocidas en las costas de España é islas Baleares: con descripción de los artes más empleados para su pesca comercial y extracto de su legislación, by Adolfo Navarrete (1899).


Arte de Medir Mierras, by Andrés Dávila y Heredia (1674)


General Arts & Sciences

Mechanick Exercises: Or The Doctrine of Handy-Works, by Joseph Moxon (1693)

Mechanick Exercises: Or The Doctrine Of Handy-Works: Applied to the Arts of Smithing, Joinery, Carpentry, Turning, Bricklayer, by Joseph Moxon (3rd edition, 1703)

Encyclopædia: Or, A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature; Constructed on a Plan, by which the Different Sciences and Arts are Digested Into the Form of Distinct Treatises Or Systems, Comprehending the History, Theory, and Practice, of Each, According to the Latest Discoveries and Improvements, by Thomas Dobson (1798)

Vol. I: A-ANG / Vol. II: ANG-BAR / Vol. III: BAR-BZO / Vol. IV: CAA-CIC / Vol. V: CIC-DIA / Vol. VI: DIA-ETH / Vol. VII: ETM-GOA / Vol. VIII: GOB-HYD / Vol. X: LES-MEC / Vol. XI: MED-MID / Vol. XII: MIE-NEG / Vol. XIII: NEH-PAS / Vol. XIV: PAS-PLA / Vol. XV: PLA-RAN / Vol. XVI: RAN-SCO / Vol. XVII: SCO-STR


The City and Countrey Purchaser, and Builder's Dictionary; or, the Compleat Builder's Guide, by T.N. (1703)

The City and Countrey Purchaser, and Builder's Dictionary; or, the Compleat Builder's Guide, by Richard Neve (2nd edition, 1726)

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