Welcome to my faculty homepage. I am a professor of anthropology specializing in archaeology and ethnohistory, and I have conducted archaeological and ethnohistorical research for more than three decades in the Southeastern U.S., primarily focusing on the interactions between Native Americans and Spaniards during the European colonial era. My current (2015-2018) active field research centers on the recent discovery of Tristán de Luna's 1559-1561 settlement on the shore of Pensacola Bay. Between 2009 and 2015, however, my fieldwork focused principally on Mission San Joseph de Escambe, occupied between 1741 and 1761.
On these pages are some resources of potential interest to students, colleagues, and the general public, including selected unpublished papers, as well as information on past and present research and teaching activities, and extensive links of use to students and others. As part of my homepage, I also maintain an extensive general resource page about Spanish Florida between 1513 and 1763. Follow the header links above, or the Site Map below can be used to navigate to any page. I have also added a site-specific Search page that can aid navigating within my page.
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