Participants in the Luna Expedition, 1559-1561
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See also: Luna Fleet / Luna Settlement / Luna Documents / Luna Bibliography
A full roster of the Tristán de Luna expedition has never been found, though at the very least a list of infantry and cavalry soldiers who received advance pay in New Spain before departing in 1559 must have been generated and may eventually be discovered. Using a diverse variety of documentary sources, however, it is possible to reconstruct a partial list of participants in the expedition. Below is a more-or-less comprehensive list of all the major officials on the expedition, including military officers and royal treasury officials as well as Dominicans. Additional names and lists will be added in future updates to this page.
Major Officials / Fleet Officials
Major Officials
Military – Field-Grade Officers
Gobernador don Tristán de Luna y Arellano
Maese de Campo Jorge Cerón Saavedra
Sargento Mayor Mateo del Saúz
Alférez Mayor don Carlos de Zúniga
Royal Officials
Tesorero Alonso Velázquez Rodríguez
Contador Alonso Pérez
Factor Luis Daza
Other Field-Grade Officials
Alguacil Mayor Rodrigo Vázquez
Alcalde Mayor Alonso Fajardo
Médico Hernán de Arias
Capellan Juan Pérez de Barandalla
Escribano Real Miguel Martínez
Military – Company-Grade Officers
Capitan Alvaro Nieto
Capitan Pedro Ladrón de Guevara
Capitan Juan de Porras
Capitan Antonio Ortíz de Matienço
Capitan don Christóbal Ramírez de Arellano
Capitan Juan Xaramillo
Capitan don Pedro de Acuña
Capitan don Alonso de Castilla
Capitan Gonzalo Sánchez de Aguilar
Capitan Baltasar de Sotelo
Capitan Diego Téllez
Capitan Julián de Acuña
Capitan Pedro López de Nava
Dominican Missionaries
Vicario Provincial Fray Pedro de Feria
Fray Domingo de Salazar
Fray Domingo de la Anunciación
Fray Juan de Mazuelas
Fray Diego de Santo Domingo
Fray Bartolomé Matheos
Replacement Officials
Gobernador Angel de Villafañe (arrived early April, 1561)
Capitan Diego de Biedma (arrived early April, 1561)
Fleet Officials
Jesús – Flagship
Maestre: Diego López
Piloto: Alonso Beltrán
San Juan de Ulua – Vice Flagship
Maestre (and Almirante of the fleet): Pedro de Andonasgui
Piloto: Diego Pérez
San Juan de Ulua
Maestre: Hernán Pérez
Piloto: Constantín de San Remo
San Andrés
Maestre: Alonso Moraño
Piloto: Francisco Martín
Sancti Espiritus
Maestre: Juan de Puerta
Piloto: Juan Valenciano
San Amaro
Maestre: Christóbal de Escobar
Piloto: Antón Mançera
Santa María de Ayuda
Maestre: Lazaro Morel
Piloto: Antón Martín Cordero
Santi Espiritus
Maestre: Alonso Carillo
Piloto: Gonzalo Gayón
Corpus Cristi
Maestre: Francisco de Guadalupe
Piloto: Christóbal Rodriguez
San Luís Aragón
Maestre: Hernán Rodríguez
Piloto: Gaspar González
La Salvadora
Maestre and Piloto: Vicente Fernández