Legend for 1763 Map of Pensacola

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Biblioteca Nacional de España, MR/42/426
Plano de Presidio de San Miguel de Panzacola, by Diego Ortíz Parrilla and Felipe Feringan Cortés.
Transcription and translation by John E. Worth



Plan of the Presidio of San Miguel de Panzacola

Its enclosure comprised of stockade, fascines, and turf that was constructed by ruling in order to lodge the troops until the Castillo of Santa Barbara is confirmed, which should be constructed for the formal establishment of the said presidio, in which condition it was delivered by order of His Majesty on September 2, 1763 to don Augustín Prevost, commissioned by the King of Great Britain to receive it.

1. Bastion of Rosario, of the aforementioned material, and its esplanades covered by thick beams.
2. [Bastion] of San Francisco, constructed as drawn, and of the same materials as the preceding.
3. Gate of the Pier, of two doors, 2 ½ varas in width and 3 ½ in height, crosspieces of pine with boards of cedar, lock and key of iron.
4. [Gate] of the Point, of two doors, 3 ½ varas in width and 4 in height, of the same material as the preceding, and its lock and key of iron.
5. [Gate] of the Creek, with the same circumstances.
6. [Gate] of San Nicolás, like the two preceding.
7. Royal Chapel, constructed of cypress boards, and the roof of bark of the same cypress, very deteriorated.
8. Houses of the governor, constructed with foundations of stone, and with a second bedroom, the principal body of it of 12 varas in height, and on its lower floor the warehouse of provisions, and two rooms that serve as the office of the paymaster, and with the rooms and circumstances that are expressed in the inventory of the presidio that is found in the Contaduría of the Armada.
9. Old warehouse for provisions, its walls constructed of clay and its roof of cypress bark, but without any utility because it is entirely deteriorated.
10. Barracks for the troops formed of the stated boards and aforementioned bark. 
11. Gallery for forced laborers, its walls constructed of clay and roof of bark.
12. Hospital of the same materials as the preceding gallery, in which are found two rooms for sick people, a medium-sized room for the pharmacy and lodging for the doctor, a short room for storage of bedclothes, and another of the same circumstances that serves as a kitchen.
13. Warehouse for gunpowder, of 5 varas in height, constructed all of stone, and flat roof of brick, six channels of tin plate, and two doors covered in the same, a wall of stone coated in lime of one and a half varas in height, with its door of cedar boards, and lock and key of iron.
14. Weapons locker of 5 varas in height, and its walls of clay coated in lime, the flat roof of brick, and its door of the said boards, with a lock and key of iron.
15. Guard houses, the three constructed of the aforementioned cypress bark, and the one next to the governor’s house with walls of clay coated in lime, and in each one of their sides a room applied for the officer on guard and the prisoners. 
16. Pier of 60 varas in lengfth and six in width, made of wood.
17. Houses of officers and residents, of 5 varas in height, the walls made of clay and coated with lime, with roofs of the said bark.
18. Barracks for lodging of married soldiers, formed of the aforementioned cypress bark, with three varas in height.

Diego Ortiz Parrilla                             Phelipe Feringan Cortes


Plano de Presidio de San Miguel de Panzacola

Compuesto su recinto de estacada fagina y cespedes que se executo de providensia para alojar la Tropa hasta verificarse el Castillo de Santa Barbara que debia construirse para el formal establecimiento de dicho Presidio en cuya disposicion se entregó de Orden de Su Magestad el dia 2 de Septiembre de 1763 a Don Augustin Prevost comisionado por el Rey de la Gran Bretaña para recibirle.

1. Baluarte del Rosario del expresado material y sus esplanadas corridas de bigas gruesas.
2. Ydm de San Francisco construido como se figura y de los materials mismos que el antecedente.
3. Puerta del Muelle de dos ojas que componen 2 ½ varas de ancho 3 ½ de algo barrotes de pino con tablazon de sabino, ceroojo y llabe de fierro.
4. Ydm de la Puntilla de dos ojas 3 ½ varas de ancho y 4 de alto del mismo material que la antecedente y su cerrojo y llabe de fierro.
5. Ydem del Arroyo con iguales circunstancias.
6. Ydm de San Nicolás como las dos antecedentes.
7. Capilla Real construida de tablazon de barilla y el techo de cascara de la misma barilla muy maltratada.
8. Casas del Gobernador fabricadas con cimientos de piedra y con segunda habitasion, el cuerpo princil dell de 12 varas de alto y en sus bajos el Almacen de biberes, y dos piezas que sirben a la Oficina del Pagador, y con las Piezas y circunstancias que se expresan en el ymbentario del Presidio que se halla en la Contaduria de Armada.
9. Almacen antiguo de biberes construidas sus paredes de barro y su techo de cascara de barilla pero sin uso por hallarse enteramente maltratado.
10. Quarteles de tropa formados de las expresadas tablas y de la cascara referida.
11. Galera para forzados construidas su paredes de barro y techo de cascara.
12. Hospital de los mismos materiales que la Galera antesedente en el que se hallan dos salas para emfermos un quarto mediano para la Botica y Alojamiento del Medico un cuarto corto para repuesto de la ropa, y otra de las mismas circunstansias que sirbe de cocina.
13. Almacen para Polbora de 5 varas de alto fabricado todo de piedra y azotea de ladrillo seis canales de oja de lata y dos puertas forradas de lo mismo una cerca de piedra rebocada de cal de una y media vara de alto con su puerta de tablazon de barilla y cerrojo y llabe de fierro.
14. Sala de Armas de 5 varas de alto y sus paredes de barro rebocadas de cal la azotea de ladrillo y su puerta de la dicha tablazon con cerrojo y llabe de fierro.
15. Cuerpos de Guardia fabricadas los tres de la mencionada cascara de barilla y el inmediato a la Casa del Gobernador con las paredes de barro rebocadas con cal, y en cada uno de sus costados un quarto aplicados para el Oficial de Guardia y los Presos.
16. Muelle de 60 varas de largo y seis de ancho formado de madera.
17. Casas de oficiales y vecinos de 5 varas de alto fabricadas de barro las paredes y rebocadas de cal con techos de la dicha cascara.
18. Barracas para alojamientos de soldados casados formados de la referida cascara de barilla con tres varas de alto.

Diego Ortiz Parrilla                             Phelipe Feringan Cortes

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