Printed Document Collections
There are many printed collections of unedited transcripts of manuscript documents, all of which can serve as important primary source materials for documentary research. While it is always advantageous to check original manuscripts when possible and reasonable, the published volumes listed below can be an immense time saver for historical research. A large number of these volumes were published during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. On this page I have also included several digitized printed descriptive catalogs of documents in archives (including one series that has facsimile prints of handwritten late 19th-century transcriptions of earlier records in the British Public Records Office).
Printed volumes normally have indices which can of course be useful for finding references to specific topics, but since Google Books and Internet Archive host searchable digitized versions of these volumes (sometimes including several copies at different libraries), the online search bars for both these websites can be extremely useful. However, keep in mind that OCR software doesn't always recognize printed text correctly, so there are frequently more occurrences of specific search terms than may show up in results. Furthermore, unedited transcribed manuscript documents commonly portray variable spellings as found in the original manuscripts, and thus digital searches often miss antiquated or eccentric spellings.
Spanish / English / Manuscript Inventories / Miscellaneous
Documentos históricos de la Florida y la Luisiana, siglos XVI al XVIII (Manuel Serrano y Sanz 1912)
Colección de Varios Documentos para la Historia de la Florida y Tierras Adyacentes (Buckingham Smith 1857). [also here and here]
Monumenta Antiquae Floridae (Felix Zubillaga 1946)
Colonial Records of Spanish Florida: Letters and Reports of Governors and Secular Persons, Volume I, 1570-1577 (Jeannette Thurber Connor, 1925)
Colonial Records of Spanish Florida: Letters and Reports of Governors, Deliberations of the Council of the Indies, Royal Decrees, and other Documents, Volume II, 1577-1580 (Jeannette Thurber Connor, 1925) [requires free Family Search account]
Relación acerca del presente feliz estado de las Indias Occidentales en la appostólica administración de los Santos Sacramentos y Combersión de los Indios por los Religiossos de nuestro seraphico Padre San Francisco. Hasta el año de 1635 (Francisco de Ocaña 1635; transcribed by José María in "Estado de la orden Franciscana y de sus misiones en América y extremo Oriente en el año de 1635," Archivo Ibero-Americano v. 27, 28, and 30, below)
Part 1, v. 27 (1927), pp. 196-250
Part 2, v. 28 (1927), pp. 38-92 (see Provincia de Santa Elena de la Florida, pp. 84-92)
Part 3, v. 30 (1928), pp. 33-70
Colleción de los Viages y Descubrimientos que hicieron por Mar los Españoles
v. 1 (1825) / v. 2 (1825) / v. 3 (1829) / v. 4 (1837) / v. 5 (1837)
Colección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista y Colonización de las Posesiones Españolas en América y Oceanía, sacados, en su mayor parte del Real Archivo de Indias
Colección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista, y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas de América y Oceanía sacados de los Archivos del Reino y muy especialmente del de Indias
[continued from above] v. 4 (1865) / v. 5 (1866) / v. 6 (1866) / v. 7 (1867) / v. 8 (1867) / v. 9 (1868) / v. 10 (1868) / v. 11 (1869) / v. 12 (1869) / v. 13 (1870) / v. 14 (1870) / v. 15 (1871) / v. 16 (1871) / v. 17 (1872) /v. 18 (1872) / v. 19 (1873) / v. 20 (1873) / v. 21 (1874) / v. 22 (1874) / v. 23 (1875) / v. 24 (1875) / v. 25 (1875) / v. 26 (1876) / v. 27 (1877) / v. 28 (1877) / v. 29 (1878) / v. 30 (1878) / v. 31 (1879) / v. 32 (1879) / v. 33 (1880) / v. 34 (1880) / v. 35 (1880) / v. 36 (1881) / v. 37 (1882) / v. 38 (1882) / v. 39 (1883) / v. 40 (1883) / v. 41 (1884) / v. 42 (1884)
Catálogo de Pasajeros a Indias, Siglos XVI, XVII, y XVIII
v. 1, 1509-1534 (1940) / v. 2, 1535-1538 (1942) / v. 3, 1539-1559 (1946) / v. 4, 1560-1566 (1980) / v. 5, t. 1, 1567-1574 (1980) (also v5t1) / v. 5, t. 2, 1575-1577 (1980) (also v5t2) / v. 6, 1578-1585 (1986) / v. 7, 1586-1599 (1986)
The Colonial Records of the State of Georgia
v. 1 / v. 2 / v. 3 / v. 4, Stephens' Journal, 1737-1740 / v. 4, Supplement, Journal of Colonel William Stephens [1740-1741] / v. 5, Journal of the Earl of Egmont, 1738-1744 / v. 6 / v. 7 / v. 8 / v. 9 / v. 10 / v. 11 / v. 12 / v. 13 / v. 14 / v. 15 / v. 16 / v. 17 / v. 18 / v. 19, pt. 1 / v. 19, pt. 2 / v. 20 / v. 21 / v. 22, pt. 1 / v. 22, pt. 2 / v. 23 / v. 24 / v. 25 / v. 26
The Revolutionary Records of the State of Georgia
Records in the British Public Records Office relating to South Carolina, 1663-1782
v. 1-5 (1663-1710) / v. 6-10 (1711-1723) / v. 11-13 (1723-1729) / v. 14-16 (1730-1734) / v. 17-19 (1734-1738) / v. 20-21 (1739-1744) / v. 22-23 (1745-1749) / v. 24-26 (1750-1755) / v. 27-29 (1756-1763) / v. 30-32 (1764-1770) / v. 33-36 (1771-1782) / Index of Persons-Places-Topics
South Carolina
1671-1675 / 1692 / 1693 / 1696 / 1696 / 1697 / 1698 / Revolutionary War / 1776 / 1776
The Colonial Records of North Carolina (see also the collection here)
v. 1 (1662-1712) / v. 2 (1713-1728) / v. 3 (1728-1734) / v. 4 (1734-1752) / v. 5 (1752-1759) / v. 6 (1759-1765) / v. 7 (1765-1768) / v. 8 (1765-1771) / v. 9 (1771-1775) / v. 10 (1775-1776)
The State Records of North Carolina
v. 11 (1776, and Supplement 1730-1776) / v. 12 (1777-1778) / v. 13 (1778-1779) / v. 14 (1779-1780) / v. 15 (1780-1781) / v. 16 (1782-1783) / v. 17 (1781-1785) / v. 18 (1786) / v. 19(1782-1784) / v. 20 (1785-1788) / v. 21 (1788-1790) / v. 22 (Miscellaneous) / v. 23 (Laws 1715-1776) / v. 24 (Laws 1777-1788) / v. 25 (Laws 1789-1790, and Supplement, Omitted Laws 1669-1783) / Index, v. I (A-E) / Index, v. II (F-L) / Index, v. III (M-R) / Index, v. IV (S-Z)
The Historical Records of North Carolina: The County Records
v. 1 (Alamance - Columbus) / v. 2 (Craven - Moore) / v. 3 (Nash - Yancey)
The Mississippi Provincial Archives
Mississippi Provincial Archives, 1701-1729: French Dominion, V. 2
Mississippi Provincial Archives, 1704-1743: French Dominion, V. 3
Mississippi Provincial Archives, 1763-1766: English Dominion, V. 1 (see also here)
The Mississippi Territorial Archives
Mississippi Territorial Archives, 1798-1803, v. 1 (1798-1803) (see also here)
Historical Collections of Louisiana [and Florida]
Historical Collections of Louisiana: Embracing Translations of Many Rare and Valuable Documents Relating to the Natural, Civil and Political History of the State, by B.F. French
V. 1 (1846)/ V. 2 (1850) / V. 3 (1851) / V. 4 (1852) / V. 5 (1853) [all 5 volumes in one location at the Library of Congress here]
Historical Collections of Louisiana and Florida, Including Translations of Original Manuscripts Relating to Their Discovery and Settlement, with Numerous Historical and Biographical Notes (1869), by B.F. French
The Territorial Papers of the United States
v. 1 (Introduction)
v. 5 (Mississippi, 1798-1809)
v. 6 (Mississippi, 1809-1817)
v. 13 (Louisiana-Missouri, 1803-1806)
v. 14 (Louisiana-Missouri, 1806-1814)
v. 15 (Louisiana-Missouri, 1815-1821)
v. 18 (Alabama, 1817-1819)
v. 19 (Arkansas, 1819-1825)
v. 20 (Arkansas, 1825-1829)
v. 21 (Arkansas, 1829-1836)
v. 22 (Florida, 1821-1824)
v. 23 (Florida, 1824-1828)
v. 24 (Florida, 1828-1834)
v. 25 (Florida, 1834-1839)
v. 26 (Florida, 1839-1845)
United States Census Abstracts
These are the published abstracts; for the original imagery, see the census links on my Archives page.
7th (1850) / 8th (1860) / 9th (1870) / 10th (1880) / 11th (1890) / 12th (1900) / 13th (1910) / 14th (1920)
American State Papers
Class I: Foreign Relations (1st Congress-20th Congress, 1st session April 30, 1789-May 24, 1828)
Volume 1 / Volume 2 / Volume 3 / Volume 4 / Volume 5 / Volume 6
Class II: Indian Affairs (1st Congress-19th Congress, May 25, 1789-March 1, 1827)Volume 1 (Mar. 3, 1789-Mar. 3, 1815)
Volume 2 (Dec. 4, 1815-Mar. 3, 1827)Class III: Finance (1st Congress-20th Congress, 1st session, April 11, 1789-May 16, 1828)
Volume 1 / Volume 2 / Volume 3 / Volume 4 / Volume 5
Class IV: Commerce and Navigation (1st Congress-17th Congress, April 13, 1789- February 25, 1823)
Volume 1 / Volume 2
Class V: Military Affairs (1st Congress-25th Congress, 2nd session, August 10, 1789-March 1, 1838)Volume 1 (Mar. 3, 1789-Mar. 3, 1819)
Volume 2 (Dec. 27, 1819-Feb. 28, 1825)
Volume 3 (Dec. 1, 1823-May 26, 1828)
Volume 4 (Dec. 2, 1828-Mar. 8, 1832)
Volume 5 (Mar. 15, 1832-Jan. 5, 1836)
Volume 6 (Jan. 12, 1836-Feb. 25, 1837)
Volume 7 (Mar. 1, 1837-Mar. 1, 1838)Class VI: Naval Affairs (3rd Congress-24th Congress, 1st session, January 20, 1794-June 15, 1836)
Volume 1 (Mar. 3, 1789-Mar. 5, 1825)
Volume 2 (May 13, 1824-Jan. 5, 1827)
Volume 3 (Jan. 12, 1827-Mar. 1, 1831
Volume 4 (Mar. 1, 1831-Jun. 15, 1836)Class VII: Post Office Department (1st Congress, 2nd session-22nd Congress, January 22, 1790- February 21, 1833)
Volume 1
Class VIII: Public Lands (1st Congress-24th Congress, July 31, 1790- February 28, 1837)Volume 1 (Mar. 3, 1789-Mar. 3, 1815)
Volume 2 (Nov. 27, 1809-Mar. 3, 1815)
Volume 3 (Dec. 4, 1815-May 27, 1824)
Volume 4 (Dec. 1, 1823-Mar. 3, 1827)
Volume 5 (Dec. 1,, 1827-Mar. 3, 1829)
Volume 6 (Dec. 1, 1828-Apr. 11, 1834)
Volume 7 (Apr. 11, 1834-Mar. 3, 1835)
Volume 8 (Dec. 8, 1835-Feb. 28, 1837)Class IX: Claims (1st Congress, 2nd session-17th Congress, February 5, 1790-March 3, 1823)
Volume 1
Class X: Miscellaneous (1st Congress-17th Congress, April 17, 1789-March 3, 1823)
Volume 1 / Volume 2
Printed Manuscript Inventories
Torres Lanzas, Pedro
1900 Relación Descriptiva de los Mapas, Planos, & de México y Floridas existentes en el Archivo General de Indias.Shepherd, William R.
1907 Guide to the Materials for the History of the United States in Spanish Archives. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C.Pérez, Luís Marino
1907 Guide to the Materials for American History in Cuban Archives. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C.Robertson, James Alexander
1910 List of Documents in Spanish Archives Relating to the History of the United States, which Have Been Printed or of Which Transcripts are Preserved in American Libraries. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C.Bolton, Herbert E.
1913 Guide to Materials for the History of the United States in the Principal Archives of Mexico. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C.Hill, Roscoe R.
1916 Descriptive Catalogue of the Documents Relating to the History of the United States in the Papeles Procedentes de Cuba Deposited in the Archivo General de Indias at Seville. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C.Torres Lanzas, Pedro
1919 Catálogo de legajos del Archivo General de Indias, Secciones Primera y Segunda, Patronato y Contaduría General del Consejo de Indias. Sevilla: Tip. Zarzuela. [another version here]Torres Lanzas, Pedro
1921 Catálogo de legajos del Archivo General de Indias: Sección Tercera: Casa de la Contratación de India. Sevilla: Tip. Zarzuela.Torre, José Revello de
1926 Inventarios del Archivo General de Indias. Buenos Aires: Imprenta de la Universidad.Bermúdez Plata, Cristóbal
1949 Catálogo de Documentos de la Sección Novena del Archivo General de Indias. Volumen I, Series 1.a y 2.a: Santo Domingo, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Luisiana, Florida, y México. Sevilla: Imprenta de la Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos.Peña y Camara, José de la, Ernest J. Burrus, Charles Edwards O'Neill, and María Teresa García Fernández
1968 Catálogo de Documentos del Archivo General de Indias, Sección V, Gobierno, Audiencia de Santo Domingo, sobre la época española de Luisiana, Tomo II. Sevilla: G.E.H.A.Heredia Herrera, Antonio
1972 Catálogo de las Consultas del Consejo de Indias. V. 1, 1529-1591. Madrid: Dirección General de Archivos y Bibliotecas.Heredia Herrera, Antonio
1979 Inventario de los Fondos de Consulados (Sección XII) del Archivo General de Indias. Madrid: Imprenta del Ministerio de Cultura.Heredia Herrera, Antonio
1983 Catálogo de las Consultas del Consejo de Indias (1600-1604). Sevilla: Diputación Provincial de Sevilla.Heredia Herrera, Antonio
1984 Catálogo de las Consultas del Consejo de Indias (1605-1609). Sevilla: Diputación Provincial de Sevilla.Heredia Herrera, Antonio
1985 Catálogo de las Consultas del Consejo de Indias (1617-1625). Sevilla: Diputación Provincial de Sevilla.Heredia Herrera, Antonio
1987 Catálogo de las Consultas del Consejo de Indias (1626-1630). Sevilla: Diputación Provincial de Sevilla.Heredia Herrera, Antonio
1990 Catálogo de las Consultas del Consejo de Indias (1637-1643). Sevilla: Diputación Provincial de Sevilla.Sanchez, Joseph P.
1991 Spanish Colonial Research Center Computerized Index of Spanish Colonial Documents. Albuquerque, NM: National Park Service.Heredia Herrera, Antonio
1992 Catálogo de las Consultas del Consejo de Indias (1651-1656). Sevilla: Diputación Provincial de Sevilla.Heredia Herrera, Antonio
1994 Catálogo de las Consultas del Consejo de Indias (1662-1668). Sevilla: Diputación Provincial de Sevilla.
Rowland, Dunbar.
1925 Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society: Centenary Series. Jackson: Mississippi Historical Society.V. 1 (1916) / V. 2 (1918) / V. 3 (1919) / V. 4 (1921) / V. 5 (1925)