Online Archaeology & History Journals

The links below provide access to online journals as well as online theses and dissertations in Florida. Some of the links require that the user be using a computer within a subscribed institution (such as a university library), or an individual subscription. In addition, UWF faculty, staff, and students can log on remotely to eDesktop using their UWF credentials and use the browser to access journals that the library maintains a subscription to.

Other Links Pages: General / Writing / JournalsArchivalArchaeologyOrganizations


Multi-journal Online Repositories

JSTOR / JSTOR Advanced Search / UWF Off-Campus JSTOR Login (includes the following through subscribed institutions)

American Antiquity

Historical Archaeology (see also Society for Historical Archaeology publications explorer for most recent issues)

Southeastern Archaeology


American Anthropologist

Current Anthropology

American Historical Review

William and Mary Quarterly

Journal of Southern History

The Americas (1944-2008)

SpringerLink (includes the following through subscribed institutions)

International Journal of Historical Archaeology

Journal of Archaeological Research

Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory

Journal of Maritime Archaeology

Science Direct (includes the following through subscribed institutions)

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology

Journal of Archaeological Science

Journal of Historical Geography

Wiley Online Library (includes the following through subscribed institutions)

Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association

International Journal of Nautical Archaeology

Project MUSE(includes the following through subscribed institutions)

American Indian Quarterly

The Americas (2001-present; see also The Americas home at Drexel University)

Native South

SAGE Journals(includes the following through subscribed institutions)

Journal of Social Archaeology

Anthropological Theory

Individual Journals (online archives or indices)

The Florida Anthropologist (quick index of issues online, 1948-2019)

Florida Historical Quarterly (full index of issues online)

Tequesta (digitized complete issues; also accessible here)

The New Florida Journal of Anthropology (a recent addition, run by graduate students at UF)

Florida Bureau of Historic Sites and Properties Bulletins (pdf downloads of all 6 volumes; missing as of 2024)

Contributions of the Florida State Museum (pdf scans of all 18 issues)

SCIAA Legacy Newsletter (digital copies of past newsletters)

Southeastern Archaeological Conference (SEAC)

SEAC Newsletter (all back issues from 1939 through 2008)

SEAC Bulletin & Special Publications (most back issues, starting 1964)

Southeastern Archaeology (tables of contents ONLY; see full back issues at JSTOR)

Historical Archaeology (all back issues through 2007, and more recent issues with membership; see back issues also at JSTOR)

Conference on Historic Sites Archaeology Papers (all original issues from Vol. 1-15, 1967-1980)

Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association (1989-2008)

Current Anthropology (current issues)

Southern Indian Studies / North Carolina Archaeology (1949-1996 / 1997-1998)

Gulf Coast Historical Review (most issues between 1985-2006)


Boletín del Archivo General de la Nación (all back issues digitized in their Archive)

Boletín del Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas (all back issues digitized, 1979-2014)

Estudios de Historia Novohispana (current and past issues digitized)


Memorias. Revista digital de historia y arqueologia desde el Caribe (digitized 2004-present; published in Columbia)

Online Research Publications Series

Publications of the Center for Bead Research (hosted by the Society of Bead Researchers)

Scholar Commons, Archaeology and Anthropology (University of South Carolina digital repository for a huge number of reports)

Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History (digital archive of all monographs and reports)

Smithsonian Institution (online and downloadable digitized versions of many volumes, hosted by the Smithsonian Institution as part of their Smithsonian Legacy Publications collection)

Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology (1880-1897)

Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology (1897-1964)

Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology (1901-1971)

American Philosophical Society (complete digitized sets available through JSTOR)

Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (1769-2017)

Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (1838-2017)

Other Major Journals (via UWF access)

UWF Library: A-Z Resource List



Chronicle of Higher Education

Scientific American

Journal Search Engines

FreeFullPDF (useful search engine for free scientific journal content)

Biblioteca Complutense de Madrid (searchable database of digital Spanish-language journals of science and humanities, fully searchable; based in Madrid)

Red Iberoamericana (gateway to a large collection of online journals, with topical indices including History, Archaeology, and Anthropology)

Dialnet (searchable index of many different Spanish-language journals of science and humanities; based in Logroño, Spain)

DSpace (searchable repository of many Spanish-language publications relating to the history of Spain in America, including many with primary historical documentation; based at the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía in southern Spain)

Florida Theses and Dissertations Online

UF / FSU / UNF / FIU / USF / FAU / UCF / ProQuest-UWF

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