~The greatest ideas are worthless if you keep them to yourself~
the profession
I consider the vital goal of teaching to encourage learning and foster new ideas. Students take many of their learning habits from the professor. I believe that If I do not show interest in the subject and a passion for learning, students will less likely produce the effort to learn in the class. I believe that one way to foster learning is to demonstrate those feelings to my students. I also emphasize the interconnection among concepts, which helps students to apprehend new topics.
I focus on developing and delivering data science and statistics classes. I teach online and in-person. I believe in continuous improvement in teaching and mentoring. Live-coding is a unique teaching style that is invaluable to the development of future statistician and data scientists. Active learning is essential to students and group work to gain confidence and skills. I am always looking for new ways to make my teaching style and materials more approachable and inclusive.
courses taught
CAP5755 / CAP4755 Tools for Data Science (R, SQL, and Python)
STA6507 Nonparametric Statistics
STA6856 Time Series Analysis
STA6257 Advanced Statistical Modeling - Capston Projects of MS data science
STA4321 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (probability distributions)
STA5108 MathStat Tools (R, SAS, MATLAB, LaTex)
STA6707 Multivariate Methods
Data Awareness
MAT4500 Proseminar
STA6971 Thesis
STA6905 Graduate Directed Studies
STA3905 UnderGraduate Directed Studies
ISC8980 Dissertation
advising and mentoring
I have consistently advised and guided students.
Ph.D. Advisor: 1 student
Member Ed.D. dissertation committees (statistician): 2 students
Chair M.S. dissertations committees: 2 students
Member M.S. dissertations committees: 2 students
Proseminars: +15 students
Capstone Projects: +20
Directed Studies: 2
Summer Undergraduate Research Projects (SURP): + 5