To continue to align state university degree programs with the economic development and workforce needs of the state, the Florida Board of Governors has identified several Areas of Programmatic Strategic Emphasis. These targeted degree areas include:

Click here to see a list of UWF degree programs which have been identified as serving these areas of emphasis.

Student credit hours are calculated by multiplying course enrollment by course credit hours. The numbers included in this table represent the student credit hours generated from courses offered by the department in the Fall and Spring semesters. In CICS, this is determined using the DPT1 and/or DPT2 field listed on the course section (see RCSO).

The weighted student credit hour totals displayed in the table are calculated using the following weighting factors:

Lower Divisionx1.0
Upper Divisionx1.2

For more detail on the numbers displayed in this table, see the Academic Affairs Budget Office website. Student credit hour reports are in the Financial Information section under Student Credit Hours Per Semester.

Please note that the table does not include student credit hours generated from student exchange courses (those with a location code of "IE" or "NE") while the student credit hour reports on the website include these hours. For some departments this will cause a small discrepancy between the two sources. You may click on any row in the student credit hour reports on the website to see a complete breakdown of each course included in the total. The location code for each course is displayed in that breakdown.

Faculty FTE History • Anthropology
Faculty Name 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
John Bratten N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Gregory Cook N/A* 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
Alice Curtin N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Rosalind Fisher N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Ramie Gougeon N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Kristina Killgrove N/A* 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
Robert Philen N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Terry Prewitt N/A* 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
Neill Wallis N/A* 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
John Worth N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Department Total N/A* 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0

Tenured Faculty Tenure Earning Faculty Non-Tenure Earning Faculty
* Line detail is not available for Fall 2009

Departmental growth capacity represents a department's ability to support more students by offering more courses or raising course enrollment. The growth capacity rank identifies the departments with the greatest need of more faculty lines to support its current student credit hour load. This ranking is determined by dividing the department's weighted fall/spring student credit hours by the number of regular line-item instructional faculty in the department at the start of that academic year. These numbers are displayed in the Student Credit Hours table and the # of FTE Faculty by Tenure Status table, respectively. Departments with lower rank values have less capacity for growth based on this calculation than those with higher rank values.

The complete growth capacity ranking of all academic departments is available for each year displayed in the table. To see the complete ranking, click on the academic year in the heading of the table.

The instructor types used for the Average Class Size table and the Percent of student credit hours taught by instructor type table do not correspond directly to the instructor type listed on the instructor's record on the course offering in CICS (see RIND and/or RCSO). The instructor type listed in CICS is referred to as the reported instructor type and the instructor type used for the tables is referred to as the effective instructor type. The effective instructor type is calculated as follows:

If the reported instructor type is:

The low enrollment courses table displays the number of courses at the undergraduate and graduate level which have enrollment beneath the standard benchmark value for that level. The standard benchmark value is 20 students for undergraduate courses and 15 students for graduate courses. The following rules apply to both the count and the percentage of low enrollment courses:

  Faculty Line Search Request Template -- 2014 - 2015 Faculty Searches Help

Department Name: Anthropology

Replacement Line Request
  1. Describe how this faculty line will advance UWF's legislative and strategic priorities in the applicable categories:
    • Economic Development/Workforce Demand

      The Department of Anthropology requests a replacement tenure-track Assistant Professor line in Cultural Anthropology to maintain, without interruption, the one existing line remaining in the department. Cultural Anthropology is an essential component of Anthropology, which also includes Archaeology and Biological Anthropology, in the holistic study of human societies and behavior through time and across space. Cultural Anthropologists study cultural diversity both in non-western societies and in our own. Their research provides qualitative and quantitative information about many inter-related aspects of culture including belief systems, social-political organization, non-western economies, and the impact of modern development on traditional cultures. Cultural anthropology expertise is especially important with today’s global businesses and military expansion, and in settings where ethnic differences may impede effective communication, such as in health care, criminal justice, social services delivery, and conflict management.
      A replacement cultural anthropologist is essential to maintain our undergraduate and graduate programs along with our strong focus in applied anthropology, medical anthropology, and community engagement. Permission to advertise in the Fall 2014 will allow us effectively search and hire the ideal candidate by Fall 2015 without interruption to our undergraduate and graduate programs.

    • Florida Board of Governors Areas of Strategic Emphasis      

      Anthropology was listed as an Area of Strategic Emphasis by the BOG due to its important Global Reach up until February 2014. It was then delisted.

    • Accreditation Requirements


    • Community/Visibility

      The Division of Anthropology and Archaeology is already considered a successful niche program at UWF and has the potential to continue to grow through its experiential learning and community outreach approaches. The Division excels in its visibility in the community, nationally, and internationally. The archaeology part of the program reaches statewide in its community engagement and outreach activities, experiential learning, and research. The disciplinary home of Archaeology is in Anthropology, which also includes Cultural Anthropology and Biological Anthropology at UWF. These three sub-disciplines work together to provide our students and the community with positive experiences and leadership opportunities that focus on understanding human cultural diversity. A cultural anthropologist will allow to maintain the sub-disciplinary integration among the units of Anthropology, and expand our links with other relevant UWF programs concerned with global multiculturalism, medicine and health care, forensic sciences, mental health, and social services.

  2. Any additional information to further explain the request such as comments on evidence of quality, general education requirements, significant pressure points, Emerald Coast offerings, online courses, etc:

    Enrollment Growth:
    The number of Cultural Anthropology majors reflects an upward trend at both the undergraduate and graduate levels based on the data provided below. Cultural anthropology courses are required for all tracks in the Anthropology curriculum as for the students in the BA in Maritime Studies program.

    Gen Ed:
    A replacement cultural anthropologist is essential for the department to respond to the recently proposed state of Florida general education courses. We anticipate the need to offer additional sections of ANT 2000 Introduction to Anthropology to meet student demand both online and on campus.

    Multicultural/Diversity Education:
    One of the more important cultural anthropology courses we offer is ANT 3212 Peoples and Cultures of the World. The course lays the groundwork for critical thinking about cultures and lifeways other than our own. The course allows students to operate with greater understanding of other perspectives in a complex and changing world. This course is not only a requirement for all anthropology majors (not just cultural anthropology track majors), but also for the international studies major offered by the Department of Government. It also fulfills the current multicultural requirement. As such, ANT 3212 is the highest enrolled cultural anthropology course. Having a full time cultural anthropologist will ensure that we are always able to offer sufficient sections of this important course. ANT 3212 is also essential in attracting majors to Anthropology, and we are reluctant to use only adjuncts and non-tenure track faculty to teach it. We hope that when the university redefines the diversity requirement that ANT 3212 will be included.

    Experiential Learning:
    Experiential learning is stressed in the cultural anthropology track, as it is throughout the anthropology major, through both coursework and other experiences. Currently, students gain significant hands on learning through the ANT 4808 Applied Anthropology course. Beginning the summer of 2012, we offered more experiential learning opportunities through an intensive dual-listed field course in “Ethnographic Methods.” Maintaining a full time cultural anthropologist will enable us to continue regular offerings of these courses.

    In addition to course work, the cultural anthropology track stresses experiential learning through a required internship in the community and/or a small scale ethnographic research project. Supervision of these internships and projects is time intensive for faculty, and it will be absolutely necessary to replace the full time faculty member in cultural anthropology to continue offering these crucial experiences to students over the long run.

    Graduate Program
    A cultural anthropologist is essential to the continued success of our graduate programs where experiential learning is especially important in the curriculum. Approximately 1/3 of the completed MAs in Anthropology have been in Cultural Anthropology since the program began. Cultural Anthropology faculty members also serve on committees for Archaeology and Biological Anthropology students in the Anthropology and Historical Archaeology MA programs. They also participate on MA and PhD committees in related programs such as Community Health Education and the Ed D. where they provide expertise in multiculturalism, anthropological theory, and qualitative methods. A Cultural Anthropologist is essential for maintaining active involvement in these cross-disciplinary advising and research activities.

  3. If this request is for a tenure-earning position, explain why a tenure-earning position is needed:

    Strategic Planning in Anthropology over the years has led us to conclude that our undergraduate and graduate academic programs require at least two tenure-track positions in each Anthropology sub-discipline (Cultural Anthropology, Biological Anthropology, and Archaeology). Recent planning revealed that growth in our academic programs will require three tenure-track faculty lines in each sub-discipline. We currently have 3 department faculty lines in Archaeology, 2 in Biological Anthropology, and only 1 in Cultural Anthropology, due to the retirement of our second Cultural Anthropologist in Spring 2012. It is essential to the well-being of our undergraduate and graduate programs in Anthropology that we replace the tenured faculty member in Cultural Anthropology with a tenure-track anthropologist who will undertake professional instruction, advisement and mentoring, research, and service to the community. We will also be requesting a “new line” Instructor to replace the second Cultural Anthropologist in the department.

  4. a. General Description of Workload Assignment:

    Instructional workload will include three courses per semester at the Lower Division, Upper Division, and Graduate level. The department has a projected course schedule that covers the complicated arrangement of courses need to cover required courses and electives in several Anthropology programs. Some courses are offered every three semesters and others annually in order to meet student needs and keep courses filled. Instructional duties will also include supervising internships and theses. Advisement of both undergraduate and graduate students will be required, as well as scholarly activities, and service to a variety of communities. It is anticipated that the replacement cultural anthropologist will teach a wide variety of required cultural anthropology courses, including Contemporary Cultural Anthropology Theory, Research Design in Anthropology, Disease and Culture, area courses (e.g. Cultures of Mexico, Cultures of Latin America, North American Indians), Aesthetics and Critical Theory, History of Anthropology, Applied Anthropology, and Language and Culture.

    b. Explain how the workload/courses are currently being covered by the department:

    We have carefully scheduled the course-load of the one remaining cultural anthropologist to cover the required courses in the program for the upcoming year. We are also using advanced graduate students (and completed MAs) to teach some undergraduate courses. A replacement line is absolutely necessary to maintain not only the cultural program, but the overall Anthropology program at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

  5. Please review the enrollment data for the department shown below. Refer to this data to answer the questions that follow.

    Fall Headcount (# of majors by specialization)
    Specialization 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 +/-
    22023B: ANTHROP/ARCHAEOLOGY  67   75   93   85   66  ↓  1%
    22023D: ANTHROP/CULTURAL  25   32   35   34   27  ↑  8%
    22023E: ANTHROP/BIOLOGICAL  22   24   28   28   20  ↓  9%
    22023G: ANTHROPOLOGY/GENERAL  36   41   34   32   27  ↓ 25%
    45093A: MARITIME STUDIES  61   84   87   65   74  ↑ 21%
    2202: ANT/NON-DEG  2   1   1   1   1  ↓ 50%
    2202 U: ANT/UG/NON-DEGREE  4   6   4   2   2  ↓ 50%
    4509 U: MARTM STD/UG/NON-DEG  1   1   4   1   1 
    TOTAL 218 264 286 248 218
    22025A: ANTHROPOLOGY  27   30   32   30   30  ↑ 11%
    22025B: ANTHROP/HIST ARCH  33   38   49   51   54  ↑ 64%
    2202 G: ANT/GRAD/NON-DEGREE  1   0   0   0   1 
    TOTAL 61 68 81 81 85 ↑ 39%
    indicates non-degree major

    Degrees Awarded (by specialization)
    Specialization 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 +/-
    22023B: ANTHROP/ARCHAEOLOGY  8   13   17   16   11  ↑ 38%
    22023D: ANTHROP/CULTURAL  7   6   11   10   8  ↑ 14%
    22023E: ANTHROP/BIOLOGICAL  7   2   4   10   7 
    22023G: ANTHROPOLOGY/GENERAL  8   17   8   8   3  ↓ 63%
    45093A: MARITIME STUDIES  9   12   17   10   7  ↓ 22%
    TOTAL 39 50 57 54 36 ↓  8%
    22025A: ANTHROPOLOGY  1   7   5   6   3  ↑ 200%
    22025B: ANTHROP/HIST ARCH  1   3   4   5   10  ↑ 900%
    TOTAL 2 10 9 11 13 ↑ 550%

  6. Please explain why any undergraduate degree specializations* with fewer then 15 majors have not been deleted:

    N/A. Anthropology enrollments have fluctuated over the past five years, although no track has fallen below 15 majors. The fluctuations may be attributable to a variety of factors such as large cohorts graduating at the same time, the retirement (and non-replacement) of a Cultural Anthropologist who regularly attracted large numbers of students to his Anthropology courses, and the Florida Governor’s attack on Anthropology, which began in Fall 2011.

  7. Please explain why any graduate degree specializations* with fewer then 10 majors have not been deleted:


    Evaluation of tabular data below:

    The high contribution of “adjunct” instruction listed below is attributable to the retirement of a former cultural anthropologist, Terry Prewitt, in Spring 2012. No replacement for Prewitt was approved, as his line had already been used for a “replacement” Biological Anthropologist. Adjuncts have been used to maintain the needed cultural anthropology course offerings.
    Low-enrollment courses numbers are attributable to the fact that a number of our lab courses are limited to 17 students in a section based on lab space and materials (this includes 8 sections of Osteology laboratories alone for 2013). In addition, some graduate courses are dual listed with undergraduate courses, and may be identified as low-enrolled in the tables.

    * Does not include non-degree specializations (indicated with a † above)

  8. Additional information that will be used to evaluate capacity:

    Student Credit Hours - Fall/Spring
    09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 +/-
    2736 2466 2755 3529 3084 ↑ 12.72%
    3246 3270 3601 3286 2802 ↓ 13.68%
    617 645 657 574 632 ↑  2.43%
    6599 6381 7013 7389 6518 ↓  1.23%
    Weighted Total
    7618 7422 8127 8391 7458 ↓  2.11%

    # of FTE Faculty by Tenure Status
      Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013
    Tenure & Tenure Earning 5.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0
    Non-Tenure Earning 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

    Departmental Growth Capacity
      2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014
    Weighted SCH/FTE 1162 1049 933
    Growth Capacity Rank 2 (of 11) 3 (of 11) 4 (of 11)
    Departmental Growth Capacity Ranking: 2011/2012
    Department Weighted

    Public Health, Clinical and Health Sciences 9024 4.0 2256 1
    Biology 16733 10.5 1594 1
    Mathematics and Statistics 19067 14.0 1362 1
    Art 9133 7.0 1305 2
    Computer Science 12818 11.0 1166 2
    Anthropology 8127 7.0 1162 2
    Exercise Science and Community Health 17036 15.3 1114 3
    History 8724 8.0 1091 3
    Psychology 16253 15.0 1084 3
    English and World Languages 17307 16.0 1082 4
    Philosophy 6006 6.0 1001 4
    Criminal Justice 6951 7.0 993 4
    Electrical and Computer Engineering 4952 5.0 991 5
    Finance 3858 4.0 965 5
    Legal Studies 2771 3.0 924 5
    Communication Arts 12916 14.0 923 6
    Marketing 6387 7.0 913 6
    Environmental Studies 6273 7.0 897 6
    Management 9366 11.0 852 7
    Physics 3371 4.0 843 7
    Chemistry 6730 8.0 842 7
    Research and Advanced Studies 5818 7.0 832 8
    Economics 3291 4.0 823 8
    Social Work 7981 10.0 799 8
    Accounting 7560 10.0 757 9
    Government 3606 5.0 722 9
    Theatre 3523 5.0 705 9
    Applied Science, Technology and Administration 7485 11.0 681 10
    Teacher Education and Educational Leadership 18823 29.0 650 10
    Music 4414 7.0 631 10
    Nursing 4903 9.0 545 11
    Management Information Systems 1461 3.0 487 11
    Clinical Laboratory Sciences 1350 3.0 450 11
    Departmental Growth Capacity Ranking: 2012/2013
    Department Weighted

    Public Health, Clinical and Health Sciences 11819 6.0 1970 1
    Mathematics and Statistics 22668 15.0 1512 1
    Art 9311 7.0 1331 1
    Biology 17727 13.5 1314 2
    Philosophy 6383 5.0 1277 2
    Economics 3502 3.0 1168 2
    Anthropology 8391 8.0 1049 3
    English and World Languages 17654 17.0 1039 3
    Criminal Justice 7000 7.0 1000 3
    Finance 3958 4.0 990 4
    Computer Science 12644 13.0 973 4
    Psychology 15498 16.0 969 4
    Environmental Studies 6673 7.0 954 5
    Exercise Science and Community Health 18081 19.3 937 5
    Communication Arts 12971 14.0 927 5
    History 8177 9.0 909 6
    Physics 3504 4.0 876 6
    Government 4232 5.0 847 6
    Chemistry 7148 9.0 795 7
    Management 9426 12.0 786 7
    Electrical and Computer Engineering 6086 8.0 761 7
    Social Work 7415 10.0 742 8
    Nursing 6563 9.0 730 8
    Music 4716 7.0 674 8
    Legal Studies 2678 4.0 670 9
    Marketing 5813 9.0 646 9
    Research and Advanced Studies 3840 6.0 640 9
    Applied Science, Technology and Administration 7642 12.0 637 10
    Theatre 3080 5.0 616 10
    Accounting 7867 13.0 606 10
    Teacher Education and Educational Leadership 18371 32.0 575 11
    Clinical Laboratory Sciences 1187 3.0 396 11
    Management Information Systems 1171 3.0 391 11
    Departmental Growth Capacity Ranking: 2013/2014
    Department Weighted

    Public Health, Clinical and Health Sciences 14612 6.0 2436 1
    Mathematics and Statistics 20268 13.0 1560 1
    Economics 3915 3.0 1305 1
    Legal Studies 2492 2.0 1246 2
    Biology 16742 13.5 1241 2
    Art 7799 7.0 1115 2
    Philosophy 5327 5.0 1066 3
    Computer Science 13429 13.0 1033 3
    Finance 3897 4.0 975 3
    English and World Languages 16479 17.0 970 4
    Psychology 15464 16.0 967 4
    Anthropology 7458 8.0 933 4
    Environmental Studies 6500 7.0 929 5
    Management 10801 12.0 901 5
    Criminal Justice 7146 8.0 894 5
    Exercise Science and Community Health 17666 20.0 884 6
    Communication Arts 12284 14.0 878 6
    History 7630 9.0 848 6
    Physics 3306 4.0 827 7
    Chemistry 7333 9.0 815 7
    Marketing 5653 7.0 808 7
    Electrical and Computer Engineering 6419 8.0 803 8
    Government 4383 6.0 731 8
    Social Work 7703 11.0 701 8
    Accounting 7334 11.0 667 9
    Teacher Education and Educational Leadership 17988 30.0 600 9
    Music 4177 7.0 597 9
    Nursing 6823 11.8 581 10
    Applied Science, Technology and Administration 6941 12.0 579 10
    Clinical Laboratory Sciences 1127 2.0 564 10
    Research and Advanced Studies 3342 6.0 558 11
    Theatre 2711 5.0 543 11
    Management Information Systems 1104 3.0 368 11

    Average Class Size
      Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013
    Reg Adj TA ESC All Reg Adj TA ESC All Reg Adj TA ESC All
    Lower 44.0 42.5 37.5 0.0 42.2 46.4 41.0 35.5 0.0 42.1 45.7 33.2 34.3 0.0 39.3
    Upper 26.1 29.5 0.0 0.0 27.5 23.4 25.6 0.0 0.0 24.4 26.0 27.4 0.0 0.0 26.6
    Graduate 22.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 22.7 17.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.3 16.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.5

    Percent of student credit hours taught by instructor type
      11/12 12/13 13/14
    Reg Adj TA ESC Reg Adj TA ESC Reg Adj TA ESC
    Lower 35.5% 50.1% 14.3% 0.0% 40.4% 43.6% 16.0% 0.0% 55.0% 24.3% 20.7% 0.0%
    Upper 59.7% 40.3% 0.0% 0.0% 57.5% 42.5% 0.0% 0.0% 58.5% 41.5% 0.0% 0.0%
    Graduate 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 86.1% 13.9% 0.0% 0.0%
    Total 52.2% 42.0% 5.8% 0.0% 51.7% 40.7% 7.6% 0.0% 59.2% 30.7% 10.1% 0.0%

    # (%) of low enrollment courses
    (undergrad: <20, grad: <15)
      11/12 12/13 13/14
    Undergraduate 8 ( 12.7%) 16 ( 22.9%) 3 ( 5.2%)
    Graduate 2 ( 28.6%) 4 ( 50.0%) 3 ( 30.0%)