To continue to align state university degree programs with the economic development and workforce needs of the state, the Florida Board of Governors has identified several Areas of Programmatic Strategic Emphasis. These targeted degree areas include:

Click here to see a list of UWF degree programs which have been identified as serving these areas of emphasis.

Student credit hours are calculated by multiplying course enrollment by course credit hours. The numbers included in this table represent the student credit hours generated from courses offered by the department in the Fall and Spring semesters. In CICS, this is determined using the DPT1 and/or DPT2 field listed on the course section (see RCSO).

The weighted student credit hour totals displayed in the table are calculated using the following weighting factors:

Lower Divisionx1.0
Upper Divisionx1.2

For more detail on the numbers displayed in this table, see the Academic Affairs Budget Office website. Student credit hour reports are in the Financial Information section under Student Credit Hours Per Semester.

Please note that the table does not include student credit hours generated from student exchange courses (those with a location code of "IE" or "NE") while the student credit hour reports on the website include these hours. For some departments this will cause a small discrepancy between the two sources. You may click on any row in the student credit hour reports on the website to see a complete breakdown of each course included in the total. The location code for each course is displayed in that breakdown.

Faculty FTE History • Psychology
Faculty Name 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Frank Andrasik N/A* 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
James Arruda N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Kristina Bauer N/A* 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
Ronald Belter N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Laura Bryan N/A* 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
Joan Duer-McMath N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Lisa Durrance Blalock N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Douglas Friedrich N/A* 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Rodney Guttmann N/A* 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Peter Jonason N/A* 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Erica Jordan N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Steven Kass N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Samuel Mathews II N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
Valerie Morganson N/A* 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
Tonya Nascimento N/A* 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
Stacy Parenteau N/A* 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
Thomas Reiner N/A* 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Robert Rotunda N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Sherry Schneider N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Ashley Stripling N/A* 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
Lisa Van Wormer N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Steve Vodanovich N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Susan Walch N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Department Total N/A* 14.5 15.0 16.0 16.0

Tenured Faculty Tenure Earning Faculty Non-Tenure Earning Faculty
* Line detail is not available for Fall 2009

Departmental growth capacity represents a department's ability to support more students by offering more courses or raising course enrollment. The growth capacity rank identifies the departments with the greatest need of more faculty lines to support its current student credit hour load. This ranking is determined by dividing the department's weighted fall/spring student credit hours by the number of regular line-item instructional faculty in the department at the start of that academic year. These numbers are displayed in the Student Credit Hours table and the # of FTE Faculty by Tenure Status table, respectively. Departments with lower rank values have less capacity for growth based on this calculation than those with higher rank values.

The complete growth capacity ranking of all academic departments is available for each year displayed in the table. To see the complete ranking, click on the academic year in the heading of the table.

The instructor types used for the Average Class Size table and the Percent of student credit hours taught by instructor type table do not correspond directly to the instructor type listed on the instructor's record on the course offering in CICS (see RIND and/or RCSO). The instructor type listed in CICS is referred to as the reported instructor type and the instructor type used for the tables is referred to as the effective instructor type. The effective instructor type is calculated as follows:

If the reported instructor type is:

The low enrollment courses table displays the number of courses at the undergraduate and graduate level which have enrollment beneath the standard benchmark value for that level. The standard benchmark value is 20 students for undergraduate courses and 15 students for graduate courses. The following rules apply to both the count and the percentage of low enrollment courses:

  Faculty Line Search Request Template -- 2014 - 2015 Faculty Searches Help

Department Name: Psychology

Replacement Line Request
  1. Describe how this faculty line will advance UWF's legislative and strategic priorities in the applicable categories:
    • Economic Development/Workforce Demand

      For this position, the Psychology Department seeks a person with general expertise in Counseling or Clinical Psychology who can also add specialized expertise in learning theory (teach Advanced Behavior Modification, Behavioral Medicine, etc.), to supervise graduate students in Counseling Psychology and fill critical gaps in our growing undergraduate program. This faculty position will expand and strengthen our undergraduate curriculum in which students establish the foundation of high level skills that employers seek for workplace success, as defined in the Psychology program ALC. These include analytic skills, written and oral communication skills, problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills, project management skills, and interpersonal and teamwork skills. Specifically, this position will focus on courses that emphasize understanding of the personal attributes that contribute to effective interpersonal relations and ethical behavior in a wide range of education, public service and healthcare professions. At the graduate level, this position will support the training of masters level mental health professionals who typically remain in the northwest Florida region in both the private and public sector. In recent years, community mental health needs have increased and there is currently a high demand for well trained mental health professionals, especially at the masters level.

    • Florida Board of Governors Areas of Strategic Emphasis      

      The National Science Foundation (NSF) has classified Psychology as a STEM discipline, with a strong foundation in the biological sciences and with research methods and statistics at its core. This position, focused on Counseling or Clinical Psychology, will contribute to a rigorous curriculum that emphasizes the importance of a scientific approach to solving human problems. Resolving such problems involves application of the scientific method to systematically analyze human behavior and develop empirically sound solutions. A complete understanding of human behavior requires a firm foundation in the scientific analysis of the biological, cognitive, emotional, and sociocultural factors that comprise human experience.

    • Accreditation Requirements

      Our graduate programs in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Counseling Psychology are among only 22 programs nationally and are the only programs in either Florida or Alabama that have received accreditation by the Masters in Psychology and Counseling Accreditation Council (MPCAC). We completed our re-accreditation site visit in the fall of 2012 with a strong endorsement of the quality of both programs. However, the issue of faculty work assignment overload was noted in the site visit report with acknowledgment that the faculty are stretched beyond the limits of reasonable work assignments. The positive site review noted our intention to conduct a search for both an I/O and a Counseling faculty member as an important factor in support of re-accreditation. Which we did, and hires were made.

      We completed a SUS program review in the spring of 2012, that also noted that Psychology is trying to do too much with too little faculty resource and strongly recommended that Psychology needs more faculty. While a new faculty member was hired to start in the fall 2014, another faculty member in counseling Psychology just announced she will not be returning to us in the fall 2014, leaving us still short a faculty member.

    • Community/Visibility

      Our Counseling Psychology faculty and students work closely with the local and UWF community. For instance, our graduate students complete internships at such places as the Escambia County Jail, Favor House, Lakeview Center, and the UWF Counseling and Psychological Services, some of whom take permanent positions at these locations. These typically unpaid interns provide valuable mental health counseling to people in need, often to those who are most in need, but can least afford treatment. They could not provide these services without qualified faculty supervision.

  2. Any additional information to further explain the request such as comments on evidence of quality, general education requirements, significant pressure points, Emerald Coast offerings, online courses, etc:

    While the number of graduate students in psychology has declined since 2009, the number of undergraduate psychology majors has increased by about the same amount. In addition, the number of graduate degrees awarded in that time period has doubled, while the number of undergraduate degrees has risen slightly. The Department of Psychology has a history of average class sizes that are consistently among the highest on campus (see data in item #7). Lower division average class sizes over the past 3 years have been over 75, while the upper division classes have ballooned to around 50 which is inconsistent with the small class size message that UWF promotes. In addition, the graduate class sizes are over 15 with a relatively large student to faculty ratio. I recently surveyed several psychology masters programs about their student to faculty ratios and received 17 responses. Other than a couple of online programs, UWF had the highest ratio at 7.1:1. Only Xavier and Goddard College came close at 7:1, with Texas A&M at 5:1, and all others (e.g., James Madison, Marist, IUPUI, Augusta State) at 4:1 or less. This growing imbalance between the number of students and number of faculty makes it difficult to promote faculty-student interaction and active student engagement throughout the curriculum as a factor in recruitment and retention at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition, the general education reform has identified introductory psychology as one of the 5 courses to meet the social science area requirement and we anticipate higher demand for this course as a result.

  3. If this request is for a tenure-earning position, explain why a tenure-earning position is needed:

    The 2012 MPAC re-accreditation report emphasized the importance of graduate courses being taught by regular faculty vs. adjunct instructors. With increasing enrollments without commensurate increases in faculty resources, Psychology is again in a position of high reliance on adjunct instructors (see data in item #7) which threatens not just discipline accreditation, but SACS accreditation. With one of the largest graduate programs on campus, the regular faculty have an extraordinarily heavy load of unscheduled and uncompensated teaching in the form of graduate capstone projects (thesis and internship). Two senior faculty members retired in the past two years, and while we hired two back, a junior faculty member in the area of need just resigned. We are in desperate need of faculty in tenure-earning lines to supervise graduate capstone projects.

    Last year, the Council of Graduate Departments of Psychology (COGDOP) conducted a survey of graduate Psychology programs across the country, most of which are doctoral institutions. The survey assessed number of undergraduate and graduate students compared with the number of faculty FTEs in each program. Of the 65 programs that responded, only 5 were institutions similar to UWF, granting only the masters degree in Psychology. The table below presents the data for those 5 schools, the data for a UWF aspirant school (Appalachian State University), and the data for UWF Psychology:

    School---UG Majors---Faculty FTE---UG Majors/FTE---Grad Students---Grad St/FTE
    Schl #1-----180---------07.5------------24.00----------30--------------4.00
    Schl #2-----200---------15.0------------13.33----------37--------------2.47
    Schl #3-----450---------28.0------------16.07----------50--------------1.79
    Schl #4-----600---------32.0------------18.75----------NA---------------NA
    Schl #5-----781---------31.0------------25.19----------NA---------------NA
    App St-----1003---------35.0------------28.66----------69--------------1.97
    UWF Psyc----555---------15.0------------37.00----------98--------------6.53

    The aspirant university has a large doctoral program that affords an additional resource of doctoral student teaching assistants, a resource that we do not have here. Our ratio of student to faculty FTE is dramatically higher than all the other schools at both the undergraduate and graduate level. The two schools with similarly sized undergraduate programs have approximately twice the number of faculty FTEs that we have. The one school with the same number of faculty FTEs has less than 1/3 the number of undergraduate majors and graduate students that we have. Additionally, none of the other programs comes close to the number of graduate students that we have in our graduate programs. These data clearly document the reality that we are in a fairly critical resource deficit mode when it comes to number of regular faculty in tenure-earning lines, in comparison to other comparable institutions.

  4. a. General Description of Workload Assignment:

    The new faculty line will carry a traditional 3:3 teaching load covering courses at both undergraduate and graduate level. The work assignment will also include assuming a heavy load of unscheduled and uncompensated teaching in the form of supervising graduate theses and internships, as well as undergraduate service learning and directed independent study. There will be a standard expectation for productivity in a research program of sufficient merit to earn tenure and promotion, with an expectation to engage students in the research program. Finally, the work assignment will include an expectation to engage in meaningful service within Psychology as well as in the college and university.

    b. Explain how the workload/courses are currently being covered by the department:

    We are in need of immediate help to cover our classes. We have two faculty members who were granted full year sabbaticals for 2014-15 AY. We shuffled the schedules around a bit, offered fewer courses, and were going to rely on adjuncts to cover the rest. However, I just learned this week that a tenure-earning faculty member is resigning. One of the faculty members on sabbatical and this resigning faculty member, both teach and supervise students in the counseling psychology graduate program. We've reached a critical point of need. With this departure, we need coverage for her 6 courses during the year. Given the time frame, it is not possible to advertise for and hire a tenure earning assistant professor before the start of fall 2014. Through word of mouth and connections through the faculty, if we are lucky we may be able to hire a visiting faculty member for the year as a short term solution. Otherwise, it is likely that we may need to cancel some courses. For the long term, a tenure earning spot is needed for the reasons stated above. A visiting professor for this year could plug the dam caused by the loss of 3 faculty members (2 sabbaticals, 1 resignation) long enough to advertise, search for, and hire a replacement.

  5. Please review the enrollment data for the department shown below. Refer to this data to answer the questions that follow.

    Fall Headcount (# of majors by specialization)
    Specialization 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 +/-
    20013A: PSYCHOLOGY  487   515   532   537   527  ↑  8%
    22013H: ISS/DIVERSITY STDS  11   14   17   13   14  ↑ 27%
    49033M: IH: WOMEN & GENDER  3   5   4   5   5  ↑ 67%
    2001: PSY/NON-DEGREE  3   2   1   1   1  ↓ 67%
    2001 U: PSYCH/UG/NON-DEGREE  21   16   20   16   16  ↓ 24%
    TOTAL 525 552 574 572 563 ↑  7%
    20015E: PSYCH/GENERAL  35   27   29   30   22  ↓ 37%
    20015F: PSYCH/INDUST-ORGANIZ  40   37   41   27   28  ↓ 30%
    20015G: PSYCH/COUNSELING PSY  13   19   21   14   9  ↓ 31%
    20015I: PSYCH/LIC MENTL HLTH  26   23   32   27   25  ↓  4%
    2001 G: PSY/GRAD/NON-DEGREE  41   21   66   44   31  ↓ 24%
    TOTAL 155 127 189 142 115 ↓ 26%
    indicates non-degree major

    Degrees Awarded (by specialization)
    Specialization 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 +/-
    20013A: PSYCHOLOGY  109   126   163   125   100  ↓  8%
    22013H: ISS/DIVERSITY STDS  2   2   3   8   2 
    49033M: IH: WOMEN & GENDER  0   1   2   1   2  ↑ ∞
    TOTAL 111 129 168 134 104 ↓  6%
    20015E: PSYCH/GENERAL  8   6   13   6   10  ↑ 25%
    20015F: PSYCH/INDUST-ORGANIZ  14   10   18   10   11  ↓ 21%
    20015G: PSYCH/COUNSELING PSY  2   0   4   4   1  ↓ 50%
    20015I: PSYCH/LIC MENTL HLTH  9   3   6   16   4  ↓ 56%
    TOTAL 33 19 41 36 26 ↓ 21%

  6. Please explain why any undergraduate degree specializations* with fewer then 15 majors have not been deleted:

    The only programs with fewer than 15 majors are the two interdisciplinary programs, Diversity and Women's Studies. While Psychology has been able to increase enrollment in these programs, they are still very small and are being moved out of Psychology in the fall 2014 following the recommendations of last year's program review.

  7. Please explain why any graduate degree specializations* with fewer then 10 majors have not been deleted:

    The Counseling Thesis-track program has been an option in the the counseling program, but is being phased out and is not taking in new students which is why enrollment has dropped below 10. While enrollment is down in the other graduate programs, they continue to be strong programs and as stated previously, have higher than recommended student to faculty ratios. With 2 faculty members on sabbatical for the year, lower enrollment for 2014 is essential (especially now with another faculty member resigning). Overall, enrollment in the graduate programs fluctuates from year to year, with an unusually high spike in 2011 and a low in 2013 (partially due to phasing out of one track option). Still, each of the three remaining specializations has not had less than 21 students in it at any point over the last 5 years.

    * Does not include non-degree specializations (indicated with a † above)

  8. Additional information that will be used to evaluate capacity:

    Student Credit Hours - Fall/Spring
    09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 +/-
    4180 4304 4569 5394 4850 ↑ 16.03%
    7528 8787 7955 6877 7337 ↓  2.54%
    1516 1394 1336 1157 1131 ↓ 25.40%
    13224 14485 13860 13428 13318 ↑  0.71%
    Weighted Total
    15639 17079 16253 15498 15464 ↓  1.12%

    # of FTE Faculty by Tenure Status
      Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013
    Tenure & Tenure Earning 12.5 13.5 14.0 15.0 15.0
    Non-Tenure Earning 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

    Departmental Growth Capacity
      2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014
    Weighted SCH/FTE 1084 969 967
    Growth Capacity Rank 3 (of 11) 4 (of 11) 4 (of 11)
    Departmental Growth Capacity Ranking: 2011/2012
    Department Weighted

    Public Health, Clinical and Health Sciences 9024 4.0 2256 1
    Biology 16733 10.5 1594 1
    Mathematics and Statistics 19067 14.0 1362 1
    Art 9133 7.0 1305 2
    Computer Science 12818 11.0 1166 2
    Anthropology 8127 7.0 1162 2
    Exercise Science and Community Health 17036 15.3 1114 3
    History 8724 8.0 1091 3
    Psychology 16253 15.0 1084 3
    English and World Languages 17307 16.0 1082 4
    Philosophy 6006 6.0 1001 4
    Criminal Justice 6951 7.0 993 4
    Electrical and Computer Engineering 4952 5.0 991 5
    Finance 3858 4.0 965 5
    Legal Studies 2771 3.0 924 5
    Communication Arts 12916 14.0 923 6
    Marketing 6387 7.0 913 6
    Environmental Studies 6273 7.0 897 6
    Management 9366 11.0 852 7
    Physics 3371 4.0 843 7
    Chemistry 6730 8.0 842 7
    Research and Advanced Studies 5818 7.0 832 8
    Economics 3291 4.0 823 8
    Social Work 7981 10.0 799 8
    Accounting 7560 10.0 757 9
    Government 3606 5.0 722 9
    Theatre 3523 5.0 705 9
    Applied Science, Technology and Administration 7485 11.0 681 10
    Teacher Education and Educational Leadership 18823 29.0 650 10
    Music 4414 7.0 631 10
    Nursing 4903 9.0 545 11
    Management Information Systems 1461 3.0 487 11
    Clinical Laboratory Sciences 1350 3.0 450 11
    Departmental Growth Capacity Ranking: 2012/2013
    Department Weighted

    Public Health, Clinical and Health Sciences 11819 6.0 1970 1
    Mathematics and Statistics 22668 15.0 1512 1
    Art 9311 7.0 1331 1
    Biology 17727 13.5 1314 2
    Philosophy 6383 5.0 1277 2
    Economics 3502 3.0 1168 2
    Anthropology 8391 8.0 1049 3
    English and World Languages 17654 17.0 1039 3
    Criminal Justice 7000 7.0 1000 3
    Finance 3958 4.0 990 4
    Computer Science 12644 13.0 973 4
    Psychology 15498 16.0 969 4
    Environmental Studies 6673 7.0 954 5
    Exercise Science and Community Health 18081 19.3 937 5
    Communication Arts 12971 14.0 927 5
    History 8177 9.0 909 6
    Physics 3504 4.0 876 6
    Government 4232 5.0 847 6
    Chemistry 7148 9.0 795 7
    Management 9426 12.0 786 7
    Electrical and Computer Engineering 6086 8.0 761 7
    Social Work 7415 10.0 742 8
    Nursing 6563 9.0 730 8
    Music 4716 7.0 674 8
    Legal Studies 2678 4.0 670 9
    Marketing 5813 9.0 646 9
    Research and Advanced Studies 3840 6.0 640 9
    Applied Science, Technology and Administration 7642 12.0 637 10
    Theatre 3080 5.0 616 10
    Accounting 7867 13.0 606 10
    Teacher Education and Educational Leadership 18371 32.0 575 11
    Clinical Laboratory Sciences 1187 3.0 396 11
    Management Information Systems 1171 3.0 391 11
    Departmental Growth Capacity Ranking: 2013/2014
    Department Weighted

    Public Health, Clinical and Health Sciences 14612 6.0 2436 1
    Mathematics and Statistics 20268 13.0 1560 1
    Economics 3915 3.0 1305 1
    Legal Studies 2492 2.0 1246 2
    Biology 16742 13.5 1241 2
    Art 7799 7.0 1115 2
    Philosophy 5327 5.0 1066 3
    Computer Science 13429 13.0 1033 3
    Finance 3897 4.0 975 3
    English and World Languages 16479 17.0 970 4
    Psychology 15464 16.0 967 4
    Anthropology 7458 8.0 933 4
    Environmental Studies 6500 7.0 929 5
    Management 10801 12.0 901 5
    Criminal Justice 7146 8.0 894 5
    Exercise Science and Community Health 17666 20.0 884 6
    Communication Arts 12284 14.0 878 6
    History 7630 9.0 848 6
    Physics 3306 4.0 827 7
    Chemistry 7333 9.0 815 7
    Marketing 5653 7.0 808 7
    Electrical and Computer Engineering 6419 8.0 803 8
    Government 4383 6.0 731 8
    Social Work 7703 11.0 701 8
    Accounting 7334 11.0 667 9
    Teacher Education and Educational Leadership 17988 30.0 600 9
    Music 4177 7.0 597 9
    Nursing 6823 11.8 581 10
    Applied Science, Technology and Administration 6941 12.0 579 10
    Clinical Laboratory Sciences 1127 2.0 564 10
    Research and Advanced Studies 3342 6.0 558 11
    Theatre 2711 5.0 543 11
    Management Information Systems 1104 3.0 368 11

    Average Class Size
      Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013
    Reg Adj TA ESC All Reg Adj TA ESC All Reg Adj TA ESC All
    Lower 55.8 95.9 0.0 0.0 82.5 66.1 106.8 0.0 0.0 83.6 57.6 104.7 0.0 0.0 76.4
    Upper 41.7 39.8 0.0 0.0 41.1 51.7 51.6 0.0 0.0 51.7 48.1 53.8 0.0 0.0 49.6
    Graduate 17.7 19.5 0.0 0.0 18.0 14.7 12.3 0.0 0.0 13.9 14.1 18.7 0.0 0.0 15.4

    Percent of student credit hours taught by instructor type
      11/12 12/13 13/14
    Reg Adj TA ESC Reg Adj TA ESC Reg Adj TA ESC
    Lower 25.7% 74.3% 0.0% 0.0% 44.0% 56.0% 0.0% 0.0% 37.2% 62.8% 0.0% 0.0%
    Upper 65.7% 34.3% 0.0% 0.0% 68.9% 31.1% 0.0% 0.0% 65.9% 34.1% 0.0% 0.0%
    Graduate 84.4% 15.6% 0.0% 0.0% 81.2% 18.8% 0.0% 0.0% 78.4% 21.6% 0.0% 0.0%
    Total 53.6% 46.4% 0.0% 0.0% 59.4% 40.6% 0.0% 0.0% 55.9% 44.1% 0.0% 0.0%

    # (%) of low enrollment courses
    (undergrad: <20, grad: <15)
      11/12 12/13 13/14
    Undergraduate 10 ( 11.6%) 2 ( 2.9%) 2 ( 2.7%)
    Graduate 9 ( 42.9%) 20 ( 76.9%) 13 ( 56.5%)