To continue to align state university degree programs with the economic development and workforce needs of the state, the Florida Board of Governors has identified several Areas of Programmatic Strategic Emphasis. These targeted degree areas include:

Click here to see a list of UWF degree programs which have been identified as serving these areas of emphasis.

Student credit hours are calculated by multiplying course enrollment by course credit hours. The numbers included in this table represent the student credit hours generated from courses offered by the department in the Fall and Spring semesters. In CICS, this is determined using the DPT1 and/or DPT2 field listed on the course section (see RCSO).

The weighted student credit hour totals displayed in the table are calculated using the following weighting factors:

Lower Divisionx1.0
Upper Divisionx1.2

For more detail on the numbers displayed in this table, see the Academic Affairs Budget Office website. Student credit hour reports are in the Financial Information section under Student Credit Hours Per Semester.

Please note that the table does not include student credit hours generated from student exchange courses (those with a location code of "IE" or "NE") while the student credit hour reports on the website include these hours. For some departments this will cause a small discrepancy between the two sources. You may click on any row in the student credit hour reports on the website to see a complete breakdown of each course included in the total. The location code for each course is displayed in that breakdown.

Faculty FTE History • English and World Languages
Faculty Name 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Laura Arguea 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0
David Baulch 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0
Patrick Belk 0.0 N/A* 0.0 0.0 1.0
Robin Blyn 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0
Angela Calcaterra 0.0 N/A* 0.0 0.0 1.0
David Earle 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0
Jonathan Fink 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0
Raina Garret 0.0 N/A* 0.0 0.0 1.0
Mamie Hixon 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0
Mark James 0.0 N/A* 1.0 0.0 0.0
F Allen Josephs 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0
Rose Lessy 0.0 N/A* 0.0 1.0 0.0
Linda Moore 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 0.0
Katherine Romack 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0
Regina Sakalarios-Rogers 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0
Judith Steele 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0
Gregory Tomso 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0
Maria Warren 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0
Robert Yeager 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0
Judy Young 0.0 N/A* 1.0 1.0 1.0
Department Total 0.0 N/A* 16.0 16.0 17.0

Tenured Faculty Tenure Earning Faculty Non-Tenure Earning Faculty
* Line detail is not available for Fall 2009

Departmental growth capacity represents a department's ability to support more students by offering more courses or raising course enrollment. The growth capacity rank identifies the departments with the greatest need of more faculty lines to support its current student credit hour load. This ranking is determined by dividing the department's weighted fall/spring student credit hours by the number of regular line-item instructional faculty in the department at the start of that academic year. These numbers are displayed in the Student Credit Hours table and the # of FTE Faculty by Tenure Status table, respectively. Departments with lower rank values have less capacity for growth based on this calculation than those with higher rank values.

The complete growth capacity ranking of all academic departments is available for each year displayed in the table. To see the complete ranking, click on the academic year in the heading of the table.

The instructor types used for the Average Class Size table and the Percent of student credit hours taught by instructor type table do not correspond directly to the instructor type listed on the instructor's record on the course offering in CICS (see RIND and/or RCSO). The instructor type listed in CICS is referred to as the reported instructor type and the instructor type used for the tables is referred to as the effective instructor type. The effective instructor type is calculated as follows:

If the reported instructor type is:

The low enrollment courses table displays the number of courses at the undergraduate and graduate level which have enrollment beneath the standard benchmark value for that level. The standard benchmark value is 20 students for undergraduate courses and 15 students for graduate courses. The following rules apply to both the count and the percentage of low enrollment courses:

  Faculty Line Search Request Template -- 2013 - 2014 Faculty Searches Help

Department Name: English and World Languages

  1. Describe how this faculty line will advance UWF's legislative and strategic priorities in the applicable categories:
    • Economic Development/Workforce Demand

      Within the Department, the Composition Program is currently developing innovative curricula and implementing university-wide writing reform. For the past several semesters, the Composition Program has experienced a rising demand to add ENC 1101 and 1102 sections both fall and spring semesters. We added one additional 1101 section the first week of spring 2013, and within 12 hours, 25 students registered for the class. We are understaffed and struggle each semester to meet the demands of increasing student enrollment. We are taking measures to ameliorate the situation by increasing the number of qualified graduate Teaching Assistants who can handle introductory writing courses. We have a robust teacher-training program in place for graduate students, and we have graduate students at each stage of the process. Full-Time Instructors mentor teaching assistants, and additional Instructor lines would enable the Department to offer more course sections each semester as well as offer more consistent training for our increasing number of graduate assistants in the Writing Lab and graduate Teaching Assistants. Instructorships would enable graduate students to receive education, framed in experience, that makes them more workforce ready.
      The Writing Lab currently functions as an assessment and retention center, providing writing, grammar instruction, and workforce readiness for both undergraduate and graduate students. The undergraduate and graduate students who work in the Writing Lab as student employees, interns, directed-study students, and volunteers consist of managers, tutors, paper-readers, who obtain managerial and tutoring experience. In each of these positions, students receive invaluable workplace skills.

    • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

      We are currently in the beginning stages of designing and implementing two curricular innovations that impact STEM and other disciplines across campus. We are piloting a section of ENC 1102 thematically cast as Writing Across the Curriculum, and we are researching and collecting data to pilot a 3000-level Writing for STEM class, which we will offer Fall 2013. To meet demand anticipated by participating chairs of three STEM departments, Environmental Studies, Chemistry, and Computer Science and Engineering and to enhance this program further, we aim to target at least one new hire with a STEM writing background or industry experience for each of these areas.

    • Accreditation Requirements

      The request we have for an additional hire directly links to our Department's Assessment Outcomes and anticipation for future Accreditation requirements. Currently, almost 85% of Composition faculty consist of adjunct faculty members. The addition of Full-Time Instructor lines will help us decrease the number of contingent faculty and increase the number of full-time faculty in the Composition Program. We are in need of full-time Composition faculty who can teach, develop, and engage in assessment of our newer curricular innovations. The Writing Lab is an assessment and research center for the university, providing services and writing data. Such data include documenting student use by College: paper-reading, tutoring, The Online Writing Lab, Elluminate, Thesis/Dissertation Readings, Grammar Hotline, Independent Studies, Directed Studies, Volunteers, and Capstone Interns.

    • Niche programs with growth potential

      The Composition Program's university-wide writing reform efforts have resulted in a rapid expansion of the Program with outreach to a number of different university stakeholders. We are currently working at the pilot stages on several new inter-related programs that include teacher-training, curricular revision, and assessment.
      1. Teacher-Training
      The Composition Program and the Writing Lab collaborate in training graduate students to teach composition classes. In our Department's TA-Training Program, graduate students begin their training in the Writing Lab as consultants. After Lab experience, they are able to obtain classroom experience by joining a more advanced teacher's classroom as a TA. Full-Time Instructors are critical to our design of a sustainable teacher-training program. We currently have five new TAs this Spring 2013, and we placed four of the TAs in adjunct faculty classes. After this semester of classroom training, TAs are able to become the instructor of record for ENC 1101 and 1102 classes. After this academic year, the Department will attain six additional sections of ENC 1101 to offer Fall 2013. Additional Full-Time Instructors would actually offer an exponential growth of teachers for the Composition Program. Full-Time Instructor positions would enable us to expand our teacher-training program, mentoring more graduate students each semester by the most qualified teachers.
      2. Writing Across the Curriculum
      In addition to our teacher-training program, we also have efforts in place to revise and implement a Writing-Across-the Curriculum approach to the writing instruction. We believe a vertical writing model, in which students receive writing intensive instruction throughout their undergraduate education, helps student writers transfer knowledge as they move into their respective majors. We adopted this model from one of UWF's sister-aspiration schools, Appalachian State University. As a very early initiative, we are currently involved in a cross-disciplinary collaboration with STEM departments to design a 3000-level Writing for STEM class. As a result of these conversations, the Composition Committee is considering curricular revisions for ENC 1102, which may cast the class as an Introduction to Writing Across the Curriculum.
      3. Retention and Writing Studio
      The Writing Studio initiative emerged from the Department's Assessment Committee as a necessary curricular action in response to startling retention data that positively correlates student success to student grades in first-year Composition classes. This Spring 2013 we all ready have two pilot sections in place. One class is open enrollment, and the second section is strictly reserved for TRIO students. We are in need of more administrative assistance as we collect and analyze data and move forward with a Longitudinal study regarding Writing Studio and retention efforts.
      4. Writing Lab
      The Writing Lab currently has 3 Satellite centers across campus: College of Professional Studies and College of Business. The School of Education now requires the Lab's Diagnostic test for students preparing for field experience. A score of 90% or higher is required, and many of these students will require additional assistance and are already currently using the Writing Lab for help. And, Mamie Hixon has been contacted by the School of Communication Arts with a request for offering a similar program for Comm majors. Hixon is currently teaching a pilot 990 section, LIN 3990, Practical Grammar for Pre-Professionals. This course is open to all university majors, and assignments are tailored to writing skills that transfer to workplace readiness. The class currently has Engineering, Communication Arts, Literature, Writing, and Business majors. In this class, students will take pre- and post- Diagnostic test. This class has the growth potential to become a frequently offered lecture class. The Writing Lab is also using Diagnostic testing as an assessment measure, using Diagnostic testing as a pre-test indicator to determine students' needs for specific help in the Writing Lab. We are moving toward a pre- and post-test Diagnostic assessment for students enrolled in first-year Composition classes and Pre-Professional Grammar courses. The Department of English and World Languages also has plans to implement Diagnostic testing for majors. Solicited by the Graduate School and by chairs of departments with graduate Programs, the Writing Lab has also recently instituted Thesis and Dissertation support. Thesis writers are assigned a Writing Lab Thesis Coach who works with the student on content, formatting, and disciplinary conventions. Although in its second semester of implementation, the Thesis Coach Program is expected to help with graduate student retention, program completion, and workplace readiness. This academic year, The Writing Lab added an additional Satellite Writing Lab in the College of Business at the request of that College. In just a short semester, we already have an increased demand for more hours, from 9 hours of paper reading in Fall 2012 to 17 hours of paper reading in Spring 2013. The Dean of the School of Business requested these additional hours for paper reading because of the number of students whose paper-reading requests could not be accommodated.

  2. Any additional information to further explain the request such as comments on evidence of quality, general education requirements, significant pressure points, Emerald Coast offerings, online courses, etc:

    With the state-wide General Education cuts, more supplemental instruction for writing and reading may become essential. Students may be able to take fewer hours of required writing courses, but many students will recognize and seek additional writing assistance. The Writing Studio curriculum has the potential to expand and meet requirements for supplemental writing instruction, making one-on-one contact with students who need additional help with academic writing.

  3. If this request is for a tenure-earning position, explain why a tenure-earning position is needed:

    At this time, our requests target immediate General Education needs, crucial retention efforts, and essential training for graduate students to enter the workforce with a higher expectation of employment satisfaction and success.

  4. a. General Description of Workload Assignment:

    Composition Instructors
    -4/4 teaching load across fall and spring semesters, teaching a range of ENC 1101, 1102, Writing Studio, and the new Writing for STEM class.
    -Mentoring graduate TAs through our teacher-mentoring program
    -active participation on the Composition Committee
    -Co-coordinate TA training program
    -Co-coordinate Writing Studio curriculum
    -Assist with programmatic assessment and curricular reform

    b. Explain how the workload/courses are currently being covered by the department:

    Currently, ENC 1101 & 1102, General Studies requirements, are predominantly taught by contingent faculty members. Many adjunct faculty are teaching the maximum of 4 courses per semester. The Composition Program Director and an advanced adjunct faculty member are teaching and administering the Writing Studio pilots.

  5. Please review the enrollment data for the department shown below. Refer to this data to answer the questions that follow.

    Student Credit Hours - Fall/Spring
    08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 +/-
    9992 11512 11584 12400 13183 ↑ 31.94%
    3361 3802 3603 3545 3266 ↓  2.83%
    383 466 485 408 345 ↓  9.92%

    Fall Headcount (# of majors by specialization)
    Specialization 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 +/-
    15013C: ENGLISH/LIBERAL ARTS  99   97   77   75   65  ↓ 34%
    15013W: ENGLISH/WRITING  84   87   101   109   123  ↑ 46%
    1501: EH/NON-DEGREE  5   1   1   0   0  ↓ ∞
    1501 U: EH/UG/NON-DEGREE  8   46   36   34   31  ↑ 288%
    TOTAL 196 231 215 218 219 ↑ 12%
    15015A: ENGLISH/UNDECLARED  1   0   0   0   0  ↓ ∞
    15015B: ENGLISH/CREATIVE WRI  14   19   20   17   11  ↓ 21%
    15015C: ENGLISH/LITERATURE  21   24   26   22   21 
    1501 G: EH/GRAD/NON-DEGREE  3   0   4   5   2  ↓ 33%
    TOTAL 39 43 50 44 34 ↓ 13%
    indicates non-degree major

    Degrees Awarded (by specialization)
    Specialization 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 +/-
    15013C: ENGLISH/LIBERAL ARTS  13   31   23   19   16  ↑ 23%
    15013W: ENGLISH/WRITING  15   18   18   28   19  ↑ 27%
    TOTAL 28 49 41 47 35 ↑ 25%
    15015B: ENGLISH/CREATIVE WRI  0   4   8   6   4  ↑ ∞
    15015C: ENGLISH/LITERATURE  1   3   1   8   8  ↑ 700%
    TOTAL 1 7 9 14 12 ↑ 1100%

  6. Please explain why any undergraduate degree specializations* with fewer then 15 majors have not been deleted:

  7. Please explain why any graduate degree specializations* with fewer then 10 majors have not been deleted:

    * Does not include non-degree specializations (indicated with a † above)

  8. Additional information that will be used to evaluate capacity:

    # of FTE Faculty by Tenure Status
      Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012
    Tenure & Tenure Earning 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 10.0
    Non-Tenure Earning 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 7.0

    Avg. student credit hours taught by
    full-time tenure earning and tenured faculty
    2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013
    130.81 135.90 N/A

    Data not yet available for this term

    # (%) of low enrollment courses
    (undergrad: <20, grad: <15)
      10/11 11/12 12/13
    Undergraduate 33 ( 16.2%) 40 ( 18.5%) 44 ( 19.4%)
    Graduate 7 ( 77.8%) 9 ( 90.0%) 8 ( 88.9%)

    Average Class Size
      Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012
    Reg Adj TA ESC All Reg Adj TA ESC All Reg Adj TA ESC All
    Lower 22.6 28.4 24.8 0.0 26.2 22.5 27.4 25.3 0.0 25.9 23.9 25.9 24.6 0.0 25.3
    Upper 20.4 14.0 0.0 24.5 20.4 21.6 18.0 0.0 0.0 21.3 19.9 20.0 0.0 0.0 19.9
    Graduate 11.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.8 9.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.4 9.5 3.0 0.0 0.0 8.2

    Percent of student credit hours taught by instructor type
      10/11 11/12 12/13
    Reg Adj TA ESC Reg Adj TA ESC Reg Adj TA ESC
    Lower 20.1% 50.8% 29.1% 0.0% 16.0% 59.1% 24.9% 0.0% 16.7% 65.3% 17.9% 0.0%
    Upper 90.7% 5.2% 0.0% 4.1% 94.8% 5.2% 0.0% 0.0% 96.3% 3.7% 0.0% 0.0%
    Graduate 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 96.4% 3.6% 0.0% 0.0%
    Total 38.2% 39.1% 21.7% 0.9% 34.4% 46.5% 19.1% 0.0% 33.3% 52.5% 14.2% 0.0%